011, the aging potion!

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IT WAS SAFE TO SAY THAT Cerise did not enjoy her birthday as much as she hoped she would, especially since Cho ( her supposed best friend ) had forgotten about her completely, and ditched her for her twin brother all day

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IT WAS SAFE TO SAY THAT Cerise did not enjoy her birthday as much as she hoped she would, especially since Cho ( her supposed best friend ) had forgotten about her completely, and ditched her for her twin brother all day. Don't get her wrong, she loved Cedric, and she loved Cho, but they both seemed to forget she was a person recently. . . And her parents forgetting about her, too, didn't help with her feelings either.

If it wasn't for Loralei, or Hermione, or even Fred, George and Lee, she would've had the worst birthday ever — but they were there for her; Fred, George and Lee even made her a birthday cake, which she was beyond grateful for, she loved birthday cake more than she loved Loralei.

The following day in Hogwarts, Cerise was approached by a very happy group of. . . things. Fred Weasley, George Weasley and Lee Jordan. She groaned, knowing she wouldn't be able to escape them, and she wished for Loralei to come save her — She knew if Loralei saw her being approached by the three lunatics, the girl would simply laugh and walk away.

"I hear you're quite good at potions," said Lee, sharing a look with Fred. George's eyes were glued to Cerise. He couldn't help it; She looked. . . Perfect. She looked perfect just standing there, her uniform loose around her body, and her hair in a low ponytail. "We need your help."

"No," Cerise deadpanned, turning to walk away. George grabbed her arm, stopping her. "Oh, for fuck sakes! What is it you three nitwits need help with?"

Fred cocked his eyebrow, "That's not very kind," he stated, "Especially since we went out of our way to make you a cake. . . Much to the elves dismay."

Cerise took a deep breath. Then, she looked at Lee; He was the only one she could stand. "What do you need?"

Lee grinned, "An aging potion."

Cerise rolled her eyes. "For the tournament?" She guessed, "An aging potion won. . ." She trailed off, deep in thought. Then, a smirk appeared on her face. "Okay, sure, I'll make you three one. Come find me in exactly an hour."

MAKING THE AGING POTION was incredibly stressful, but Cerise knew it would all be worth it when she sees the twins looking very old. She knew it wouldn't work, she wasn't as stupid as everyone thought — She was actually quite smart, with certain things.

After exactly an hour, Cerise met the trio at the staircase, the potion held tightly in her hands. She did not want to spill any of it.

"Really?" Fred said, eyes wide. "You done it?"

Cerise pursed her lips, "Obviously I did," she smirked, "Go on, guys. A drop each will do!"

She handed them the aging potion, and skipped down the rest of the staircase, grinning when she saw Loralei waiting for her. Loralei grabbed her hand and pulled her into the Great Hall where Hermione, Harry and Ron immediately ran to them, "What took you so long?"

Cerise looked at her, about to reply, when Fred, George, and Lee came hurrying down the staircase, all three of them looked extremely excited. Cerise felt a grin of her own growing on her facr.

"Done it," Fred said in a triumphant whisper to Harry, Ron, Cerise, Loralei and Hermione. "Just taken it."

"What?" said Ron.

"The Aging Potion, dung brains," Fred muttered. "All thanks to Little Diggory, mind you."

"One drop each," said George, rubbing his hands together with glee. "We only need to be a few months older."

"We're going to split the thousand Galleons between the three of us if one of us wins," said Lee, grinning broadly.

Cerise nodded along, "What a genius plan!" They all heard the sarcasm in her voice, but they didn't comment on it — They were too excited.

"I'm not sure this is going to work, you know," said Hermione. "I'm sure Dumbledore will have thought of this."

"Oh, 'Mione," said Cerise, placing a hand on Hermione's shoulder. "Leave them to it, they will learn eventually."

"Ready?" Fred said to the other two, quivering with excitement. "C'mon, then — I'll go first —"

Fred pulled a slip of parchment out of his pocket, no doubt having his name and school written boldly across it.

He walked right up to the edge of the line and stood there, rocking on his toes as if he was debating on whether or not he should go for it. Then, when he was sure everyone was looking at him ( "Attention seeker," Cerise had muttered, earning a small chuckle from Loralei and George ), he took a great breath and stepped over the line.

Cerise knew it hadn't worked, but George didn't — He let out a yell of triumph and jumped right after Fred.

A loud sizzling sound caught their attention, Fred and George shared a glance, before they were hurled out of the circle. The way they landed, Cerise just knew they were in pain. They landed ten feet away, on the stone cold floor, and Cerise's favourite part — They had sprouted identical, long white beards.

Cerise laughed in amusement, and turned to Loralei, wiping a few tears from her eyes. "I feel like Christmas has come early!" She exclaimed, catching the attention of the twins.

The twins had gotten to their feet, and were laughing and pointing at each other's beards.

"I did warn you," said a deep, amused voice. Dumbledore surveyed Fred and George, his eyes twinkling. "I suggest you both go up to Madam Pomfrey. She is already tending to Miss Fawcett, of Ravenclaw, and Mr. Summers, of Hufflepuff, both of whom decided to age themselves up a little too. Though I must say, neither of their beards is anything like as fine as yours."

Fred and George set off for the hospital wing, accompanied by Lee, who was howling with laughter. Loralei grabbed Cerise's hand, and the duo followed after them, laughing loudly.

"That was absolutely amazing!" Loralei exclaimed, "You guys should keep that look, don't you agree, Cerise?"

Cerise rolled her eyes, "Yes," she said instantly, "You can't see their cocky, arrogant smirks under all that beard."

"Then I guess that's more of a reason for us to get it removed!" George said, turning to look back at her. Cerise laughed, she couldn't take him seriously with a beard. "Our smirks are our best features."

When George turned around, Cerise rolled her eyes and muttered, "Yeah, right. Your eyes are." As soon as she said that, her eyes widened.

Loralei looked at her, a smile on her face, "What did you just say?" She asked, holding a hand to her ear, "I honestly did not hear you!"

Cerise frowned, "I didn't say anything," she said, "I mean — Why would I say anything? I said nothing, I have nothing to say."

Loralei smirked, "Okay, girl, I believe you."

A/N: This chapter was kinda cute I think. It was more of a filler chapter than anything icl guys.

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