043, a perfect conversation idea!

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AFTER HER BREAKDOWN AND constant apologies to Elijah, Cerise had calmed down a lot

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AFTER HER BREAKDOWN AND constant apologies to Elijah, Cerise had calmed down a lot. Remus had been the only one to enter the kitchen, and he was quick to make her a hot chocolate. Jay was crying again, and Cerise had him tightly in her arms as she quietly sipped on her hot chocolate with Elijah sat opposite her, watching her worriedly.

"I just want you to know... I'm not trying to be Cedric, or be like Cedric," Elijah stated quietly, "I know no one could ever replace him —"

"Please, stop," Cerise muttered, shaking her head. "Can we just not talk about Cedric?"

Elijah gave a small nod. "Well, what would you like to talk about?"

Loralei entered the kitchen with a grin as Cerise gave a small shrug of her shoulders. "I have the perfect conversation idea. You can start by saying hi." she said, taking Jay off Cerise. The duo looked at her. "Check the corridor."

Hesitantly, Cerise stood up, and both she and Elijah walked towards the corridor. Elijah opened the door, and Cerise's eyes widened. She immediately ran into George's arms, making him tumble back slightly.

Elijah grinned once he saw the Weasley twins. Fred greeted him with a smile, both the twins were too shocked to say anything. Especially after overhearing the conversation Josephine had with Cerise.

Cerise pulled out of the hug and hugged Fred. George rolled his eyes, but pulled Elijah into a small hug, before Cerise gasped in shock. "You both had a hair cut?"

Fred and George exchanged a small glance. "We had no choice," Fred shrugged.

"Mum threatened us because we refused to get one." George said as they all made their way into the kitchen, where Loralei was sitting with Remus and Sirius.

"She threatened you?" Elijah asked. "With what?"

Fred and George exchanged a glance, both of their cheeks going red. "It doesn't matter," they said, shaking their heads simultaneously.

"Are Hermione, Ginny and Ron here?" Cerise wondered. The twins nodded. The Diggory girl was quick to run upstairs, and into Hermione and Ginny's shared room.

Hermione dropped everything in her hands and flung herself into Cerise's arms. "I've missed you so much, Cerise," Hermione mumbled.

Cerise grinned. "I've missed you too," she said, pulling away and pulling Ginny into a small hug. She wasn't that close with Ginny, but she still adored the younger girl. "How's life been, Gin?" She asked as Hermione ran out of the room, probably to grab Ron.

"Awful!" Ginny exclaimed. "The twins didn't shut up about you and Loralei, and how they never got a single letter from you."

Cerise rolled her eyes. "They're just obsessed, aren't they?" She said. Ginny nodded her head.


She turned around as soon as she heard her name being called. It was Molly Weasley, and she knew that the woman was about to give her a row for not eating.

Hesitantly, Cerise made her way to the middle landing, where Molly was quick to pull the girl into a tight hug.

Everyone that was in the house was quick to poke their heads out. Due to Molly's stern voice, they thought Cerise was going to be in trouble, but they were wrong.

"It's so lovely to see you, dear," Molly said, pulling out of the hug, "George never shut up about you... Have you been eating?" She didn't need an answer. "I will start on food right away, and you will be eating every last bit of it before you think of leaving the table."

As Molly rushed away, Cerise was tackled into a hug. Cerise tightened her arms around Ron. "Hi, Ron," she laughed. Loralei smiled once she heard her laugh. That was the first time Cerise had laughed since Cedric died.

A FEW WEEKS HAD PASSED AND Cerise was doing slightly better. When she felt like locking herself away, someone in the house was quick to drag her out of the bedroom. Jay had stopped crying as much, thankfully, although that was because of something Fred and George had made for him.

Molly had caught them all trying to listen in on the Order's meetings, and scolded them all. Cerise forgot how scary that woman was. She hadn't seen Molly properly since first year.

To everyone's surprise, Dumbledore had shown up. So, everyone was sat in the dining room, listening to everything he had to stay. He was furious as he explained that Harry would have to be collected early, due to a surprise dementor attack. He had explained everything, and finished off with Harry's hearing he had to attend.

Turns out, Harry used underage magic in front of muggles to save him and his cousin from the dementors.

Upon hearing this, everyone burst into a very annoyed chatter. "That's just not right!" Ron was saying, "He had to save himself somehow."

As Dumbledore silenced them, he continued. "I have some lighter news," he said, pulling out the Hogwarts sorting hat. "Elijah will be moving to Hogwarts —"

"WHAT?" Elijah said excitedly. "I thought I'd be staying at Durmstrang!"

Dumbledore shook his head. "No," he said, "Mrs. Diggory thought it'd be best for you to move to Hogwarts to be with Cerise and all of your friends, like, Mr. Jordan."

Elijah blushed and everyone laughed.

"So, we will be doing a sorting here, so you don't have to join the first years," Dumbledore walked around the dining table to stand behind Elijah. He placed the hat on top of his head.

There was a lot of silence, and then, "HUFFLEPUFF!"

"Why am I not surprised?" Cerise muttered, giving Elijah a small smile. Loralei agreed with Cerise. That was not surprising at all. Elijah acted more Hufflepuff than Cerise did.

As Dumbledore left, Cerise turned to Elijah and gave him a small hug. Though, there was an aching in her heart. As Elijah was placed into Hufflepuff, she couldn't stop herself from thinking about Cedric. Elijah and Cedric had similar qualities about themselves — The only difference was that Elijah wouldn't be able to get his partner pregnant.

A/N: This is a filler chapter, before we head into The Order of the Phoenix!

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