033, kisses, kisses and more kisses!

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CERISE APPROACHED LORALEI with a grin permanently glued to her face

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CERISE APPROACHED LORALEI with a grin permanently glued to her face. Her cheeks were still a light red, and immediately, Loralei began to question her.

Cerise rolled her eyes at the amount of questions, before lightly kicking Loralei's ankles. "Ow! What the fuck, Cer?"

"If you question me any louder the whole school will hear you," Cerise muttered, "I kissed him."

"What?" Loralei said.

"I kissed him." Cerise repeated.

"I heard you the first time."

"Then why did you say what?"

"My brain needed to process what you said." Loralei stated as if it were obvious. "Now, what the fuck do you mean you kissed him?"

"I mean what I kissed him means?" Cerise replied, giving Loralei a weird look. "What are you not understanding?"

"Did he kiss you, or did you kiss him?"

Cerise blinked at her best friend. "Are you actually that slow?" She asked. "Y'know what, don't answer that. I kissed him. Me. I done it."

Loralei sat still for a few moments, before a grin appeared on her face. "I knew you didn't hate him!"

"Oh, shut up," Cerise said, her cheeks flushing a light pink. "I only kissed him so he'd kiss Angelina —"

"You wanted him to kiss Angelina?"

"For the Divination project work," Cerise stated with a roll of her eyes. "George and I did not understand it, so we're going to cheat."

"Right..." Loralei trailed off, her eyes going to Elijah who was approaching them. "Hey, Eli! How was your date?"

Elijah grinned as he sat himself down, before telling the two girls everything that happened. "And then, we kissed."

"What?" Loralei asked.

"We kissed."

"Yeah, I heard you the first time — There is definitely something in the air today, fuck me!" Loralei said, "You kissed Lee, Cerise kissed George. . . And I kissed Fred."

"WHAT?!" Elijah and Cerise exclaimed, eyes wide. "YOU KISSED FRED?!"

"That, she did," Fred grinned, sitting next to Loralei and throwing his arm over her shoulder. "Cerise, where is my idiotic twin brother?"

Cerise shrugged. "Probably off with Angelina somewhere."

Fred blinked. "I can't tell if you're being serious, or if you're just saying that due to jealousy."

Loralei smiled at Fred, before giving Cerise a look. "Guess you'll have to find out, then," Cerise muttered, "Has Lee told you about his date with Eli yet?"

Elijah's face flushed.

"No?" Fred said, turning his attention to Elijah. "What happened? Did you two shag?"

"No!" Elijah said, eyes wide. "We just. . . kissed, kinda."

"Kinda?" Fred repeated.

Elijah huffed. "We made out." He muttered. "For half of it."

"Elijah Woods, you dirty, dirty dog." Cerise smirked.

"You can't say much, you had your tongue shoved down George's throat earlier," Loralei said, grinning at Cerise.


"How did you know that?" Cerise asked, narrowing her eyes. "I only said we kissed."

"Wait," Loralei mumbled. "So you did? Fucking hell, and you two are saying you're not together."

"We're not," Cerise stated, before George sat himself down next to her. Everyone gave Cerise a smirk. "Do you have the work?"

"Yes," George passed Cerise Angelina's work, before looking at Fred. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Cerise's eyes widened. "Gotta go, bye!" She stood up, and rushed towards the library, pulling out some parchment and a quill to copy the work.

As she finished copying Angelina's work, she felt someone sit next to her. "So, you and my brother, huh?"

"Oh, piss off," Cerise muttered, "Did you really just follow me so you can tease me?"

Fred pretended to think for a moment, before he nodded. "Pretty much, yep." He said, "I always knew you two would end up together."

Cerise sighed. "We're not together," she stated, "Now, if you don't mind, I am going to give my work to Trelawney."

"I'll come with you!" Fred offered, a teasing smirk on his face.

"Absolutely not," Cerise said, "Go find your girlfriend, Weasel."

AFTER HANDING IN HER Divination work, well, hers and George's copied work, and returning Angelina's work to George, she headed back to her common room and slouched in the arm chair. "You look exhausted," Cedric commented, "What's going on?"

Cerise shrugged, letting Oliver jump up onto her lap. Oliver gripped her hand with her claws and pulled it down to gently bite. "Lack of sleep, I guess?" She mumbled, barely loud enough for her twin brother to hear her.

She let out a long sigh. "I'm just worried about you," she admitted, "I'm scared. The Triwizard Tournament has death tolls, Ced, and anytime I think about you competing in the last task, I feel sick. I don't like it, can't you just... drop out of it?"

Cedric shook his head and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Stop stressing," he said through a laugh, "The last task isn't until the end of the year, plus Dumbledore wouldn't host the tournament if it wasn't safe. I'll be fine, trust me."

Cerise wasn't so sure he would be fine, but she knew he had to be. He had a family that loved him, friends that adore him, a girlfriend that needs him and a baby on the way.

So, yeah, he needed to be okay, Cerise needed him to be okay.

A/N: GUYS IM VERY SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!!!! So, a little update on my life; I dropped out of sixth form in May, I hadn't turned up to school for weeks because of my anxiety so me and my mam decided it was best to leave school. I have a boyfriend, (my ex's ex best friend, he was my best friend for MONTHS until i realised i liked him in april when i was drunk), me and my bf have been together for just over three months (quite literally, our third month was yesterday - 5th July), and I am supposed to be looking for a job but I've been too busy writing poems to look for one. But hey ho, this is a filler and I'm trying my hardest to come back to this, Trust Me, and three fics I have in my drafts — a Remus one, a James one, and a marauders era ( another James and Remus one ). ALSO I HAVE A KITTEN, her name is Gizmo because she looks like Gizmo the gremlin!

 ALSO I HAVE A KITTEN, her name is Gizmo because she looks like Gizmo the gremlin!

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