012, the triwizard champions!

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WHEN DINNER ROLLED AROUND, Cerise was starving

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WHEN DINNER ROLLED AROUND, Cerise was starving. After Loralei had forced her to stay with Fred, George and Lee all day, Cerise couldn't wait for a break. She was the first to rush into the great hall and away from the trio, making Loralei sigh and roll her eyes.

"I'll see you boys later," Loralei said, rushing after Cerise so she didn't lose her in the crowd that was beginning to form as everyone came for food. Due to it being Halloween, they were going to have a proper feast; Much like the day before.

As they ate their food, they couldn't help but keep glancing up at the Goblet. "Who'd you reckon is going to be the champion?" Cerise asked Loralei quietly as everyone engaged in conversation.

"It will probably be Cedric, though I'm hoping for Angelina," replied Loralei, her eyes scanning the Gryffindor table, only to find Fred and George staring directly at them, with Lee glancing over occasionally.

Loralei rolled her eyes at them. Cerise sighed, "I hope it's not Cedric." She said, her stomach beginning to twist in different directions. "Did you not hear about the death toll?"

Loralei sighed, "Yes, I heard about the death toll — But, this is Hogwarts, one of the safest schools in the world!"

Cerise snorted, "Yeah, right." She said. "Our first year, I got attacked by angry house elves —"

"They kicked you out of the kitchen!"

"— I also nearly drowned in the lake—"

"You said you could swim, so that's your fault!"

"— And I went into a coma."

"A food coma, you ate too much and passed out!"

"Our second year, I got possessed —"

"No, you ate one of the chocolates that make you sound like an animal!"

"I nearly drowned, again —"

"Once again, that's your fault. You told us you could swim and we foolishly believed you!"

"And I got attacked by owls."

"One landed on your head!"

"Our third year —"

"I've heard enough," Loralei finally interrupted, rolling her eyes. "This school is safe, Cerise, honestly stop worrying about it."

Cerise snorted, "I've just had years of unfortunate bad luck," she told her, "So, sorry for being worried that my back luck has passed on to Cedric."

Cerise looked over at Cedric, who was talking to one of his friends. For once, Cho had sat herself with the Ravenclaws. She hoped something bad had happened between them, but when she saw the looks they were sending each other, she knew that nothing had happened and Cho just wanted to sit with Marietta.

"Stop staring," Loralei said, "You look like a creep."

Cerise looked back at Loralei, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "He's my brother," She said to her.

"Even more creepy," Loralei muttered, making Cerise hit her on the arm gently with wide eyes.

ONCE ALL THE PLATES WERE cleared away, Cerise began to play with her robes nervously. It was very rare for the girl to be nervous — She was incredibly outgoing, but with the thought that Cedric could possibly get chosen. . . She was absolutely terrified.

"Well, the goblet is almost ready to make its decision," said Dumbledore, standing up from his seat. "I estimate that it requires one more minute. Now, when the champions' names are called, I would ask them please to come up to the top of the Hall, walk along the staff table, and go through into the next chamber where they will be receiving their first instructions."

He took out his wand and gave a great wave with it; All the candles except those inside the carved pumpkins had disappeared immediately. The Goblet of Fire shone more brightly than anything in the whole Hall, Cerise was mesmerised by its beauty.

The flames in the goblet turned red as sparks began to fly from it. A charred piece of parchment shot out of the goblet, and Dumbledore caught it with an outstretched hand. "The champion for Durmstrang — Viktor Krum!"

As everyone applauded, Cerise found her eyes glued to the boy who was sat next to Viktor. Elijah Woods, she remembered him from when Durmstrang first arrived. He looked lonely as he watched Viktor go up and walk into the next chamber. He caught her watching and sent her a small smile.

When the clapping had died down, the goblet turned red again. It shot out another piece of parchment, that Dumbledore instantly caught. "The champion for Beauxbatons — Fleur Delacour!"

Cerise and Loralei burst into laughter at the look on a few of the girls' faces from Beauxbatons. They looked absolutely devastated, some of them even began crying. 

When Fleur Delacour had disappeared into the chamber, the whole hall fell silent. Cerise felt Loralei grab her hand as they watched Cedric sit up straight with his fingers crossed under the table.

The Goblet of Fire turned red, and as soon as the third parchment shot out of it, Dumbledore had it in his hands. "The Hogwarts champion — Cedric Diggory!"

As everyone in Hufflepuff jumped to their feet in joy, Cerise felt like all of the air was getting sucked out of her. There was two reasons she did not want Cedric's name to be called; The first reason, is that there was a death toll in the Triwizard Tournament, it is incredibly dangerous and he could potentially die. The second reason was that Cerise was already in Cedric's shadows, with most of the students at the school, and her father, but now it was just going to be worse for her.

As Cedric disappeared into the next chamber, the applause had died down. "Excellent!" Dumbledore called happily. "Well, we now have our three champions. I am sure I can count upon all of you, including the remaining students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, to give your champions every ounce of support you can muster. By cheering your champion on, you will contribute in a very real —"

But Dumbledore suddenly stopped speaking, and it was apparent to everybody what had distracted him. The fire in the goblet was red, again. Another parchment flew out, and landed directly in Dumbledore's hands.

There was a very long silence; It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. He stared at the slip in his hands, before he looked up at everyone who watched him curiously. It was another name.

"Harry Potter."

A/N: And the story actually begins!

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