019, harry vs dragon!

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THE DAY OF THE FIRST task had arrived, and Cerise would be lying if she said she didn't contemplate on pretending to be ill just so she wouldn't have to go watch it

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THE DAY OF THE FIRST task had arrived, and Cerise would be lying if she said she didn't contemplate on pretending to be ill just so she wouldn't have to go watch it. But, she went to watch it ( much to her dismay, Loralei had dragged her there AND forced her to sit with the twins and Lee ). Watching them battle a dragon to retrieve a golden egg wasn't as entertaining as Cerise had hoped it would be.

In fact, she swore she fell asleep during it. ( She did. )

Loralei nudged her in the sides, "Girl, wake the fuck up," she said loudly over the cheering people. "Harry is up, and he's got the Hungarian Horntail — The most dangerous dragon out of the whole lot."

Cerise didn't open her eyes. She kept her head in her hands. "Of course he has," she mumbled, before hearing a loud WHOOSH! Her head shot up and her eyes were wide. "What the fuck was that?"

"Harry," Loralei replied, "Look, he's on his broom."

As Loralei pointed him out, Cerise couldn't help but feel proud of him. He was fourteen, and in a tournament against three seventeen year olds who have done more school years than him, so they knew a lot more. Yet, there Harry was, giving this task his all.

Cerise watched as Harry flew around; The Horntail was tracking his every move. "Great Scott, he can fly!" She heard Bagman yell, "Are you watching this, Mr. Krum?"

She watched as Harry flew higher and higher in a circular motion. The Horntail was copying him, and just as Harry plummeted, the Horntail opened its mouth.

Fortunately, Harry missed the flames.

Unfortunately, the tail came whipping up to meet him instead, grazing his shoulder and ripping his robes.

"Ouch," Cerise muttered, "That's gotta sting."

Soon enough, Harry and the dragon were out of sight. Cerise's eyes scanned the sky, she tried her hardest to spot them. About a minute later, Harry was speeding toward the ground, toward the eggs that were now unprotected.

He reached out, grabbed the egg, and soared out over the stands. Everyone cheered for him, Cerise was sure she was one of the loudest.

"Look at that!" Bagman was yelling. "Will you look at that! Our youngest champion is quickest to get his egg! Well, this is going to shorten the odds on Mr. Potter!"

As Harry rushed into the tent so Madam Pomfrey could fix him up, Cerise turned to Loralei. "That was fucking awesome."

Loralei frowned as she listened to Cerise ramble on about how proud of Harry she was. "Does any part of you — any part at all — feel guilty that —"

"Right, I'm going to stop you there," Cerise interrupted, "I know what you're going to say, and I guess a part of me does, but you don't know what was said. . . You don't know how I felt after me and him argued. The things he said. . . He's like a stranger to me now."

"It couldn't have been that bad," Loralei said, "He's your brother —"

"Was." Cerise corrected, ignoring the looks of pity and sympathy she received from Loralei, Fred, George and Lee. "He was my brother."

A tap on her shoulder made her turn around. Elijah grinned at her, and Cerise had never been so glad to see someone in her life. She threw her arms around him, unaware to the looks that George was giving them.

"Wow, you were right," Elijah muttered, "They are identical."

"I know," she said, "They have some differences though."

"I can't see any," Elijah replied.

"You have to proper analyse their features to notice," Cerise told him, "George has a small, barely visible scar on his upper lip."

"I wonder how you know that," Elijah whispered jokingly, making the girl nudge him harshly. "Okay, I'm going to guess. . . That one is George."

Cerise looked at Elijah with her eyes wide. "Lucky guess?"

Elijah shook his head, "Nope," he told her, "I just saw the way he looked at you. . . Oh, look, they're doing Harry's scores!"

Madame Maxime, who was the first judge, raised her wand in the air. A long silver ribbon shot out of it, which twisted itself into a large figure eight.

Mr. Crouch was next. He shot a number nine into the air.

Next was Dumbledore. He also put up a nine. Cerise was disappointed in the old man, Harry deserved a ten.

Ludo Bagman - ten.

"Nah, that has to be favouritism," Elijah said. "Although, Harry did do a better job than all of them, I was surprised he managed. He is only fourteen, isn't he?"

"Yeah," Cerise replied.

Karkaroff raised his wand. He paused for a moment, and then a number shot out of his wand - four.

"What a sore loser," Cerise blurted with a roll of her eyes, "He's just salty Harry done a better job than Krum."

"How would you know?" Loralei snorted, "You basically slept through it all."

"Exactly," Cerise stated as if it were obvious, "Everyone else's performance was so boring, it put me to sleep."

Loralei sighed and shook her head as Elijah watched the girl in amusement. Suddenly, Cerise grimaced. "Honestly, his teeth are more yellow than my robes."

Elijah and Loralei snorted. "Hey, that's my head teacher!" Elijah exclaimed, "Though, I do have to agree."

Loralei looked at him, her eyebrows furrowing together. "I'm Loralei," she introduced herself, "I'm sure Cerise has told you all about me — and these three, George, Fred and Lee. . . Well, actually, scratch that last statement. Between you and me, she hates them. Absolutely despises them, she does!"

Cerise eyed Loralei weirdly as she winked five times in a row at her. Then, her eyes went wide as she understood. For a moment, Cerise had forgotten that she hated them.

"Oh, trust me," Elijah smirked as he lowered his voice to a whisper so nobody else heard him, "I've heard about you all, I know everything that's gone on in your guys' life recently. . . I'm Elijah."

"I know," Loralei said, wrapping an arm around Cerise's shoulders as she subtly looked in George's direction. "Cerise has told me so much about you!"

Elijah and Loralei watched the way George's face twisted. . . His face twisted into a look of jealousy, and Loralei could've screamed right on the spot. "I knew it," she whispered, before looking at Elijah, "Do you want to hang out sometime? I feel like we will be great friends."

A/N: Honestly Elijah Woods is the cutest and has my heart, I might have to keep him in the rest of the fic.

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