001, the hogwarts express!

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THE QUIDDITCH WORLD CUP WAS EVENTFUL and traumatising to say the least

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THE QUIDDITCH WORLD CUP WAS EVENTFUL and traumatising to say the least. The place was attacked by Death Eaters, and just Cerise's luck, she bumped into one — without a wand. As much as it pained her to say, if it wasn't for George Weasley, she would be dead, or insane. She never thanked him, just glared at him and walked off to find her wand. George didn't expect anything different, but still, he ran to Fred and exclaimed that one day she would be their friend again.

Standing with her family at Kings Cross Station, she watched as families rushed around, searching for friends. "You got everything?" Josephine asked lovingly, grabbing Cerise's hands with her own. "Wand, books, clothes?"

Cerise nodded, "Yes," she said, receiving a kiss on the forehead off Josie. "Have you seen Loralei and Cho anywhere?"

"Yes, they're over there," Josephine pointed across the other side of the station, right next to the Weasley's.

"You better be joking," Cerise mumbled, before realising that they actually were over there. "I can't go over there, the twins will try talking to me."

"Why don't you like the twins anymore?" questioned Josephine, furrowing her eyebrows. "They seemed to like you at the World Cup."

"The only thing that showed that they liked me was George saving me from a death eater because I'm stupid, and dropped my wand," said Cerise, "If it wasn't for him, I'd be dead. He done what a decent human being would've done. Even though he's not allowed to do magic outside of school and risked getting expelled."

"How is he not expelled?" Amos asked, only now getting interested.

"How am I supposed to know?" Cerise said, "Does it look like I speak to them, willingly? Mr. Weasley probably spoke to the Ministry about it, and reasoned about the Death Eaters or something, I dont know. Why don't you just ask him yourself?"

Amos rolled his eyes at her attitude, and turned back to Cedric. "Anyway, I best be off," Cerise said, "The quicker I go and get them, the quicker I get away from the Weasley's."

Cerise rushed off with her luggage, and discreetly grabbed Loralei's and Cho's attention. Waving goodbye to their parents, the two followed Cerise on the train and they went to find a compartment. Collapsing onto the seat, Cerise smiled happily. She couldn't wait to return to Hogwarts.

Hogwarts was arguably the best place she had ever gone in her life — and she had gone to Greece; Greece was beautiful, but nothing compared to Hogwarts.

"Did you hear about what happened at the World Cup?" Loralei asked, already opening her box of strawberries that she shared with her friends and the box refilled when they were all gone.

"Yeah, it was awful," Cho said, a frown visible on her lips, "Hearing about it was awful."

"If you think hearing about it was awful, then imagine being there," Cerise said, taking a bite off a strawberry. "I forgot my wand and left it at the tent, thankfully my mum picked it up and was rushing to find me."

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