032, the divination project!

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THE FIRST DAY BACK TO a normal school day, and Cerise was beyond annoyed

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THE FIRST DAY BACK TO a normal school day, and Cerise was beyond annoyed. Snape decided to give her detention for that comment she made during the Yule Ball, and he gave her the detention in front of all of her friends, and then said the detention would be with him, and he will be supervising her as she cleaned every single cauldron in his classroom ( she wasn't complaining about the detention, just who it was with )!

She hated Snape more than she hated anybody, which was saying something because she had a list of who she hated and why written on a piece of parchment in a drawer by her desk.

She moodily made her way up to the Divination Tower; She wasn't in the mood to deal with Trelawney's fake prophecies.

Sitting next to Loralei, she crossed her arms and glared at the woman who began talking to the class. It seemed that only half of the class was listening, Cerise was not one of them.

With her eyes glued to the table in front of her, she was completely oblivious to the project they were going to be working on in pairs.

"Cerise is my partner!" Loralei said, "I call dibs."

Trelawney shook her head. "I am afraid the partners have been chosen already, Miss Hollow," she told her, "By the crystal ball."

Cerise snorted. "What are we even doing in partners?" She whispered to Loralei, unaware to the glances Angelina was sending George.

"This is why you should listen," Loralei stated. "But, I don't know either, I just heard the word partners, to be honest."

"This is why you should listen," Cerise mimicked, rolling her eyes. "Okay, buddy."

Trelawney began giving everybody partners. Much to Angelina's dismay, her partner was not George.

"Miss Loralei Hollow and Mr. Fred Weasley ."

Cerise looked at Loralei. "You can move, I'm not," She said, before her eyes widened. "And I thought my day couldn't get any worse."

George took the seat next to her, "Looks like we're partners, Cherry," he grinned, and Cerise felt her heart hammering against her ribcage; It was so loud, Cerise was sure George could hear it.

Cerise hummed in response. "Any idea what this project is?"

"Not a clue,"

"Great, we're fucked." Cerise said, before an idea popped into her head. "Professor?" She raised her hand, "Is this project to be completed in class, or outside of class?"

"Outside, my dear!" Trelawney replied, "It needs to be handed in by tomorrow; It's a small project, and I believe that you, Miss Diggory, will pass anyway."

Cerise nodded. "Tomorrow," she muttered, glancing around the room before her eyes landed on a pair at the back of the room. She grinned, turning to George. "And I know how we are going to complete this project."

DIVINATION PASSED BY IN A blur, and Cerise found herself rushing out of the classroom. She was starving ( when wasn't she? ), and she couldn't wait to get some food in her stomach. Plus, she needed to tell George her plan to have the project done by tomorrow.

Sitting herself at the Gryffindor table, she looked at George who looked back at her with confusion. Loralei was at the Hufflepuff table, no doubt having help off Cedric for the project. Cerise knew she told Fred to leave the project to her, and she knew Fred wasn't complaining.

"So, about the project," George said, lowering his voice. "How are we supposed to complete it?"

Cerise grinned. "You see Angelina over there?" She said, "Well, guaranteed she would have finished the project by tonight. I need you to get a copy of her work."

"How am I supposed to do that?" George asked.

"I don't know, flirt with her?" Cerise shrugged, "Just do anything to get the work. Then we will meet up just after supper, I'll do all the writing, then you can return the work to her before bed. In the morning, I will hand it in to Trelawney so it looks like she copied us, not us copying her."

George snorted. "Yeah, the flirting thing is all fun and games, until she kisses me," He said, a look of disgust on his face. "No way I am letting my first kiss be her."

Cerise looked at George in confusion. "Your first kiss?" She said, "You haven't had your first kiss before? You seem like the type of person that has already shagged someone, I'm not gonna lie to you, Weasley."

George grinned. "I don't know if that's a good —"

"Obviously it is," Cerise rolled her eyes, "It means you're shagable." She winked at him, before standing up and heading towards the Hufflepuff table, purposely walking past Angelina.

She could hear Angelina talk about George, and how she wants nothing more than to kiss him. She was saying she would do anything to kiss him.

Cerise smirked.

AFTER LUNCH, CERISE RUSHED towards George and pulled him away from everyone. "Okay, listen," she said, "You see, I'm so fucking smart! So, as I was walking away, I walked past Angelina just to hear her conversation because I am a nosey fuck! Anyways, she said she would do anything to kiss you."

George frowned. "I don't get it."

"You go up to her like right now, and you ask for a copy of her work. You say you'll give her a kiss if she gives it to you. Read through it first, make sure it's the correct work! Although, I doubt Angelina is smart enough to trick you. You're like the trickster of all tricksters. Anyway, she gives it to you, and you give her a kiss. It has to be lips. But it can be like the smallest kiss ever, make sure you disappoint her."

George snorted. "Did you miss everything I said earlier?" He said, "I am not letting Angelina be my first kiss."

Cerise furrowed her eyebrows, but George continued talking.

"I would rather fail Divination. Imagine how embarrassing it would be to tell people my first kiss was Angelina Johnson of all people?"

Cerise sighed. She reached up to cup his face. George stopped talking, his eyes widening in shock. And then, shocking him even more, Cerise closed the distance between them.

George immediately placed his hands on Cerise's waist, and pulled her closer to him, deepening the kiss. George's lips were warm and soft, which Cerise definitely wasn't expecting. His lips parted slightly, allowing Cerise's tongue to slip into his mouth.

Neither of them wanted to pull away. They both had wanted this moment to happen for so long. But, they needed air. Cerise was the first to pull away, a light pink dancing across her cheeks.

"At least now you can tell people I was your first kiss. Just like I'd be telling people you were my first kiss," Cerise said, giving him a small smile. "And for someone who hadn't even had their first kiss yet, you sure are an amazing kisser."

She winked, before turning and walking away.

George stared at her. He didn't think he could fall even more in love with her, but once again, Cerise had proven him wrong.

A/N: Who would've seen that coming? Anyways, they kissed guys! How cute! Also, I have a James Potter fic in my drafts that I've been working on today! The oc's name is Cordelia Lupin, and I'm sure you'd love her!

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