044, harry james potter!

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CERISE HAD NAGGED AND NAGGED to be apart of the Harry James Potter rescue mission the following day, but Molly and Remus refused to let it happen

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CERISE HAD NAGGED AND NAGGED to be apart of the Harry James Potter rescue mission the following day, but Molly and Remus refused to let it happen. So, instead, she resorted to sulking in her bedroom, lying with Jay on her chest. Molly was still annoyed at her children using Extendable Ears to find out what was going on in the meeting, so Cerise liked to steer clear of the older woman. Molly had taken pity on the young girl, and due to having to look after her nephew, and losing her brother, she had been easy on her. While everyone else was decontaminating the house, she was chilling in her bedroom.

The one time she wasn't was when George forced her out so they could decontaminate her bedroom. Cerise really wanted to help, she thought it would be a good distraction. Molly was more than against that idea.

Fred, George and Loralei entered her bedroom. "Is Jay asleep?" Loralei asked. Seeing Cerise nod, she placed Jay in his own bed. "Harry's here, we want to scare them."


"Harry, Hermione and ickle Ronniekins, of course," Fred grinned, pulling Cerise to stand up. "Now on the count of three. One, two, three!"

With a crack, they all disappeared from her bedroom and appeared in another. Hermione screamed. "Stop doing that!" Hermione said to the four of them.

"Hello, Harry," George grinned at him. "We thought we heard your dulcet tones."

"You don't want to bottle up your anger like that, Harry, let it all out," Fred said, also grinning at Harry. "There might be a couple of people fifty miles away who didn't hear you."

"You for passed your Apparation tests, then?"

"We all got distinctions," Loralei told him with a small shrug. "Though, I'm surprised Cerise managed to get a distinction."

"OI!" Cerise exclaimed, hitting Loralei on the shoulder.

"Y'know, it would have taken you about thirty seconds longer to walk down the stairs," Ron stated, giving them all weird looks.

"Time is galleons, little brother." Fred said, shaking his head. "Anyway, Harry, you're interfering with reception. Extendable Ears. We're trying to hear what's going on downstairs."

"You want to be careful," Ron was staring at the ear. "If mum sees one of them again..."

"It's worth the risk, that's a major meeting they're having," Fred stated.

Cerise shook her head. "I am not being involved in that," she mumbled, "Your mother scares me."

"She goes easy on you," George stated, "So, she's even scarier to us."

The bedroom door opened, and in walked Elijah and Ginny. "Hello, Harry," they both greeted, with Ginny continuing, "We thought we heard your voice."

"Elijah?" Harry said, eyes wide. "What are you doing here?"

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