034, girly gossip!

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AFTER PASSING THE HOMEWORK AND Angelina failing for copying George's and Cerise's work, a few weeks had passed

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AFTER PASSING THE HOMEWORK AND Angelina failing for copying George's and Cerise's work, a few weeks had passed. She was awkward when George was speaking to her due to their kiss, but she tried to not let it affect their... whatever they had going on. She honestly had no idea at this point; They definitely liked each other, they went to the Yule Ball together, they've kissed, they get jealous, but she still had no clue what was going on between them.

George was the same, he was often complaining to Fred, Lee and Loralei about it, and they tried to get him to ask her out, but he wouldn't. He was scared of rejection.

And when Loralei and Fred tried getting Cerise to ask George out, she would say the exact same thing. She was scared of rejection.

So, they tried to come up with a plan.

Loralei and Cerise sat in the library, Loralei was studying, and Cerise was incredibly bored. She had her legs on top of the table, and for her own amusement, she occasionally kicked Loralei's work off the table.

"Will you stop that?" Loralei asked in annoyance, making Cerise groan. Loralei placed her quill down and looked at her best friend, "Look, I know you're bored, but I really need to study this book."

"Why?" Cerise asked. "It's literally just Potions. Snape's a knob, anyway, you're probably going to fail!"

Loralei snorted. It wasn't for Snape. "I need to learn how to brew Amortentia," she told her, "And I need to brew it perfectly."

Cerise gave Loralei a weird look, before Fred and George appeared with Hermione and Ron behind them. "Fancy seeing you two here," Fred said, leaning over Loralei's shoulder to see what she was doing. Once he noticed, he smirked.

"McGonagall and Sprout need to see you, Cherry," George said, giving her a small smile. Cerise felt her heart skip a beat at his smile.

"Weird, but okay," Cerise muttered.

"We're supposed to take you to Minnie's office," Fred shrugged, "But Georgie can do it himself, I'm going to help Lori with her work. Now, hurry along, Georgie, Minnie doesn't like to be kept waiting."

Eyeing Fred weirdly, George shrugged before helping Cerise stand up, and leading the way to McGonagall's office.

The walk to the office was quiet. Ron and Hermione were sharing knowing glances as they watched George and Cerise awkwardly look at each other.

"So, George," Ron smirked, pushing himself in between his brother and Cerise. Cerise approached Hermione, who grabbed ahold of her hand and pulled her ahead of them. "What's going on between you and Cerise?"

"What?" George asked, his eyes wide. "Nothing! Why? Has she said anything?"

Ron smirked, "Something is going on between you two," he said, "Have you guys shagged?"

George choked on his spit. "No!" He exclaimed, a bit too loudly, making the two girls at the front look back in confusion. He lowered his voice, "No, we have not shagged."

"Kissed?" Ron questioned.

George's face flushed bright red.

"So, you have!" Ron said happily, "Tongue or no tongue?"

"I am not having this conversation with you, ickle Ronniekins." George said, "And if you really want to have this conversation— What's going on between you and Hermione, then?"

Ron's mouth opened and closed multiple times.

"Exactly," George grinned, "You don't want this conversation to happen, and neither do I."

Up ahead, the two girls were having the exact same conversation. "I have a feeling something's happened between you and George," Hermione said with a knowing smirk, "Care to tell me the details?"

Cerise gave Hermione a small smile, "I'll give you the details, when you tell me about your feelings for Ronald." She said, placing her hand on Hermione's shoulder.

"I have no feelings for Ronald," Hermione scoffed.

Cerise smirked, "Yeah, keep telling yourself that, 'Mione," she said, waiting for George and Ron to catch up. "Where is GonGon's office?"

"This way," George said, pointing to the right. "It's just around the corner." As they stood outside the office, George gave them all a smile. "Now, this is where I leave you guys. I'll see you all tomorrow."

THE FOLLOWING DAY APPROACHED quickly, and Loralei was in complete panic mood when she noticed that Cerise hadn't returned to the common room the night before. She hurriedly approached Fred and George as they were nearing the lake, the twins were trying to sell some of their products.

"Have you guys seen Cerise?" She asked, "She didn't return to the common room last night, I'm really worried."

Fred placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sure she's fine," he told her reassuringly, "Come on, let's go get some good seats."

As he lead her in the direction of the seats, George rushed to follow, taking a seat next to Elijah. Cedric glanced back at them, furrowing his eyebrows when he couldn't spot his sister. "Have you guys seen Cerise?"

"Nope," George muttered.

Cedric was rushed to the front by the rest of the champions as Bagman pointed his wand at his throat, and said, "Sonorous!" making his voice boom loudly. "Well, all our champions are ready for the second task, which will start on my whistle. They have precisely an hour to recover what has been taken from them. On the count of three, then. One... two... three!"

As the whistle echoed, the stands erupted into cheers and applause; The champions had launched themselves into the lake. Loralei frowned. Still no sign of Cerise.

"Does anyone have any clue what the hint of the egg was?" Loralei asked around, making everyone shake their heads in her direction.

"Come seek us where our voices sound, we cannot sing above the ground," Lee was singing, "An hour long you have to look, to recover what we took." Seeing the looks he was receiving, he shrugged. "I done some snooping around when I got bored."

"What do the words even mean?" George asked.

"They probably have something that means a lot to the—"

"You have got to be kidding me," Loralei interrupted, making everyone look at her in confusion. "They have people in the lake for them to find — Cerise can't swim."

A/N: It's getting close to the last task guys, prepare yourselves

CHERRY, george weasley ( slow updates )Where stories live. Discover now