Chapter 11 : I needed this

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Brianna Anderson Collen POV :

I've been in a bad mood since I woke up this morning.

I didn't get any sleep much last night , I had a nightmare, which it took me hours after to go sleep back peacefully

And I've been getting these messages that's been reminding me of ME..and I can tell it's slowly effecting my brain. The messages are from people I know..but I just wasbt expecting it so early

School isn't helping at all , the work , the teachers , the students, and The damn whispers and attention. It makes me more cranky than I already am

The weather is helping a bit though , Its Dark and cloudy out here today. There is no sun or any birds around. Everything is silent and dark and gloomy..

And you can tell it's about to rain any moment now, just the way I like it. This is my Kinda weather.

The car came to a halt in front of a huge house , well more of a mansion. Aaron gets out and comes to my side and opens the door for me.

I get out, and he shuts the door behind me , We walk up the stairs that lead to the double door of the house. He placed his thumbprint on the scanner, and the doors opened wide

Too Rich Huh.

We walk in, and the doors close on themselves behind us , My eyes roam around the mansion.

And brooo... This place almost lifted my mood.Whew...Ive offcially entered the Rich side of Town.

He takes off his t-shirt, showing off everything to me. My jaw drops. Aron walks down the hallway of the house , I follow after him, staring at his upper body

He goes into The Kitchen , and I still have my jaw on the floor. Aaron looks at me, fully facing me..

He has Abs , Muscles, and Bruises all over his skin. Blue and purple wounds and bruises..By his chest and ribs. He has tattoos on both of his arms..forearm tattoos and minimal tattoos across his chest and upper body

Holy fucking shit..

He slowly walks closer to me , I gulp softly and keep my eyes on his bruises. He stops right in front of me..

I slowly touch his bruises , his skin goes into goosebumps of my touch. He shudder too. I trail my fingers to his tattoos tracing it with my fingers as my lips parted of amazement

My fingers goes to a purple big Bruise by his ribs , I circle it with my fingers..I softly press on it

I feel Tears trying to come from the back of my eyes , I try to hold them in. I try so hard..but when my fingers touch a bruise he jerks and my heart clenches

I look into his eyes , He is already staring at me.

"W-what happened to you? Who did this?" I choke out..He frowns at the tears clouding in my eyes

He doesn't say anything..In stead He grabs me and pulls me into him. He hugs me tightly and I hug him back.

I cry..I don't know why I am crying..Is it Because of my nightmare? Or is it because I miss them??

Or is it because This beautiful boy has been through so much but manages to hide it? Or is it Because I hate who ever did this to him and I wanna kill them?

Perhaps Because I wanna protect him? Maybe because I am sad and in pain? Or is it because I don't wanna live anymore??

I don't know..But it has to be between those lines. I just can't figure out which line. So I just him him and cry a bit more. After awhile..I stopped and pull slowly away from him

I look up to Him , He cups my face with both of his hands and Kiss Me. I slowly kiss him back.

The kiss lasted about 6 minutes Before we pull away. He place his head against mine and I sigh closing my eyes.

"I needed that." I breathe out softly.

"I know." He whispers out making Me open my eyes. He opens his eyes too.

We hug each other again , I sigh in his embrace. It's so safe and comfortable and trusting..It's like I am meant to be in his arms. It feels like that..but it's never right.

"Come on , Lets watch TV." I say softly not caring about what I wanted..because I don't want that anymore.

I just wanna be held by him right now , without any mask or without anybody staring or whispering.

He pulls away and smiles showing off his staright white teeth , He looks at himself then back to me

"So I undressed for nothing?" He jokes out..I laughs slightly

"You did..but at least I saw the part you hide from everyone." I say in all honesty.

"Same goes for you Brianna." He says and I smile up at him.

"Living room , put on Netflix and go to the horror section." He says and I nod.

"What you gonna do?" I ask him..He walks to the fridge

He takes out two cans of Pepsi , He puts it on the table , He takes a bucket of Ice cream and two spoons. Then He goes to the Cupboards and grabs two packets of chips. 2 chocolates

He grabs all the stuff and smiles as he walks pass me , I follow after him. We sit on the couch..He place the goodies on the table. He goes to the door side and press a few buttons before coming back to me

He grabs the blanket and sits down , I take off my shoes and pull down my jeans. I throw my hair in a messy bun. I sit next to him and move to his side..He slowly place his arm around me.

I look at him , He is already staring at Me.


"Nothing." He says shaking his head smiling slightly. I give him the remote..He gladly takes it.

The Living room goes into Dark Mode , There are stars in the roof , I smile at how beautiful that is. There are rain drops falling on the roof..and I genuinely smile.

"My favorite Weather." I say and snuggling up against him.

He grabs the chips hands me one packet and takes one for him , He hands me a chocolate..i thank him and open the chocolate and take a bite. He opens his chips and start to eat from it.

My gaze slowly goes to the TV..But he Grabs my chin making me look at Him.

"I don't mind if you keep on staring at me instead of the TV. it." He says looking at me

"I wouldn't mind it either..But I really really wanna watch the Movie." I say shrugging , He chuckles

We focus our gaze on The TV , No one gets out alive is on , and yes it's by Netflix. We've been watching for 23 minutes now , Our Chips and Chocolates are already done.

We are now sipping on Our Pepsi's
I start to shiver when I hear the rain drops falling harder and heavier..

Man so I might actually get a good night's sleep tonight huh.

Aaron is warm as hell and I am cold , I snuggle more into him. He looks at me..

"How are you still cold??" He ask me in concern..I shake my head at him.

"I am always's fine , your warmth can help me." I say and He smiles nodding.

My eyes slowly goes heavy , I yawn but try to keep my eyes open. I hold it on the TV...but I close them for a moment before opening them again

"Go to sleep Baby." He whispers into my ear..I sigh and close my eyes as I lay my head on his chest

The last thing I felt was a Kiss against my head.


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