Chapter 19 : Queen of Evil

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Aaron Knighthood POV :

Brianna is dangerous , Manipulative , horrible , serious and most of all..Evil.

She is hot , pretty , Beautiful and sexy , but most of all Gorgeous.

Since I've met her , I've noticed a few things about she does out of habit. I don't know if she knows it's a habit or not but I see her doing those things.

Like when she runs her fingers through hair at anytime , When she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand even when her mouth is clean and dry , The way she bites her lip to stop herself from smiling like a insane woman , When she place her one leg over thee other when she is sitting down on any chair

The way she always has a Cigarette around her or on her , The way she close her eyes when she blows the smoke out , the way she makes Everyone feel threatened by her when she steps into a room , when She licks her lips when she wants something , food , drink even human.

When her eyes always looks so dead and slitted , when she doesn't blink much a day , or when she draws on her skin with pen ink when she is bored , Like when she clench her jaw when she is really really mad.

Oh and The way her eyes move so fast , it's like she can see what's about to happen before it happens. The way she is always prepared for whatever.

"Aaron you can't kiss me to shut you're thoughts off , it doenst work like that love." Brianna says looking into my eyes

She is comfortable as she sits on my lap , Her silk cream dress rised up to show her thighs. Her curls visibly still there but wild. Her mascara dried on her cheeks as it seems like she cried but knowing her she didn't.

"That's not what I'm doing , I'm just remising the idea." I say making no sense 

She smiles as if she knows I'm lying , and knowing her..She knows I'm lying. Another thing of her , She always knows when someone is lying to her.

"Liar liar liar pants on fire." She says slowly while grabbing my c--

"Ah w-what are you doing?" I shudder out , making her lick her lips

"I'm doing what I want , after all I am the boss here Aaron." She says batting her eyelashes

A FUCKING Mafia Goddess is sitting on my lap , doing what she wants to me.

"But you're not the boss of me." I say softly slide my hands up to grab her thighs

"No , but you are on my Territory love." She says and plants a wet kiss on my neck

I shudder again and hold tight onto her thighs , She pulls away and looks into my eyes.

I bite my lip , making her eyes fall to them for a moment before looking into my eyes again.

"What did you do to that Noah guy?" I asks her.

"Nothing , his walking here up and down. I still need to have a sit down with him." She says laying her head on my chest

She wraps her arms around me , I smile and hold her against me tight and warm. Safe. When she sighs softly I know she is relaxed.

I run my fingers through her hair slowly, while rubbing her cold thigh with my other hand.

"I've never been this relaxed in a long time." She mumbles out

I want her even more now , I think I'll always want her even if it ends bad for me or her.

"Nice to know I helped a little bit." I say in all honesty

"You're helping alot." She says softly , I look down at her. Her eyes are closed with her lips parted

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