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I watch as my love walks into the small cafe with her short friend and some man

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I watch as my love walks into the small cafe with her short friend and some man. A man that can't seem to take his greedy eyes off her. A man that fucking touched her. I try to think of the cons of just walking inside and breaking the hand that touched hers.

I'm already sitting inside my car with a clenched jaw, barely holding back from walking inside that building and doing something about that bastard salivating over what's mine. At this point I could compete with Hunter about who has more creative ways of torturing one.

With a deep breath, I adjust myself on the seat and, with the hand that isn't trying to choke the steering wheel, check my phone for the third time this minute if maybe Alessia hasn't texted me about changing her mind and wanting to go back home.

Trying to occupy my mind with something other than ways to kill that guy, I check my e-mails. Somehow an hour, full of me replying to them and checking for new messages from my darling Alessia, passes. When a text message notification graces my ears, I feel like I've ascended to heaven.

My Love: Hi! I'll be ready to leave soon. ;)

Wasting no time, I reply instantly. Relief flooding me.

Me: I'll be there in five.

I relax and turn towards the cafe, after a couple of minutes the three of them exit. The man, probably thinking he's smooth, holds the door for the both of them. Asshole. I step out of the vehicle and head their way.

"Alessia." I say when I get to them, pulling her to my side by her waist.

"Liam!" She says, surprised.
Her eyes stay on me for a moment, as if appreciative of the view. "This is my friend Mia." She gestures to the short blonde.

"Liam Smith. Pleasure to meet you." I say with a polite smile and shake her hand.

"Mia." She replies quietly, a blush covering her face.

"And this is Haruki." Alessia gestures towards the guy standing beside Mia, after smirking knowingly at her friend.

"Hi." He says, holding out his hand.

I take it with a tight smile, shaking it maybe with a little excessive force. If he senses my distaste towards him, he doesn't show it. Except maybe the occasional glance at my possessive hold on my beautiful Alessia.

"Are you ready to leave?" I ask, turning to Alessia. The stunning woman nods with a smile.

"Let's meet again soon?" She says, asking her friend.

"Sure. Maybe you can bring Liam with you?" Mia kindly suggests. "If that's okay with you, Liam?"

"That'll be my pleasure." I reply.

"Great! I guess we'll get going then." Alessia embraces her friend in a tight hug. "It was nice to meet you Haruki." She says, turning his way.

"Yes," I say, the moment I see his arms moving towards her, intending to hug her. "It was nice to meet you." I pull Alessia back towards me by her arm.

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