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"Maybe I can sell feet pics?" She mutters, lost in thought

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"Maybe I can sell feet pics?" She mutters, lost in thought. "Do you know how many people offered me money for that on social media?" My heart skips a beat from the shock.

"No, you cannot." I say, pulling her hand.
She stops centimetres from my chest.

We're walking to my apartment because we've both drank alcohol and I don't want someone interfering in our time together. I've waited so long for her and I want her all to myself.

The night is warm and the city lights scare away the darkness. Almost like Alessia. Almost. There's a darkness which she can't scare away, quite the opposite actually. She attracts it.

The city doesn't fall asleep at night. People are walking around, laughing and having fun. Most are drunk. Just like Alessia, which I have a steel grip on.

"No? You think it's a bad idea?" She asks innocently.

"I think it's an awful idea, love."

Passing people stare at my treasure and I have to suppress my urge to tell them to fuck off. I wish I had my jacket to give her and wrap her around with it but I keep telling myself that we're almost there.

I can't believe Alessia will stay at my place. I feel extremely excited, like a little boy. Rushes of adrenaline jolt through my body.

We get to the building and Alessia tilts her head up, taking in the enormous structure. My breathing gets heavy looking at her slender neck. Subconsciously I place my hand on the side of it and gently squeeze. The woman's eyes snap to mine. She parts her beautiful lips.

"Let's go." I smile.


Liam leads me straight to the elevator

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Liam leads me straight to the elevator. We stand in silence. The sexual tension is making me squirmy. Will he kiss me? Will we sleep in the same bed? Will we have sex? I glance at the tall man. His eyes find mine and I can't help but giggle.

How did we end up in this situation? I really like him but I've never had a one night stand and the last time I had sex was in high school. Unexperienced teenagers having sloppy sex barely counts.

The elevator door opens and we make our way to his door. The man opens it and lets me in. I'm greeted by white walls and light, wooden floorboards. Dark, mostly black furniture and a floor to ceiling window. I'm surprised by the amount of plants. Everything screams masculinity and power. I take off my shoes and realise the amount of shoe polishing stuff.

"Wow. Everything's so beautiful and clean..." I say, frightened. I could never.

I admit, I'm a messy girl. If Liam ever set foot in my apartment, he'd get a stroke. Clothes and shoes are everywhere. Plenty of plants and photos of animals scattered around. Makeup, hair and nail stuff haphazardly forming obstacles. Packages from partnerships officially doing as decorations.

"I could do with a little mess..." I turn to him, wondering what he's insinuating. "Wine?" He asks, making his way to the kitchen, me following.

"Yes, please."

Passing the living room I realise a chessboard on the glass table. The kitchen has the same floorboards but the walls are made from dark brick. The furniture is also black here, apart from the kitchen island which has the same colour of wood as the flooring. There's a crossword puzzle on it.

"Here you go, darling." Liam passes me a wineglass.

"Thank you." We sit beside the kitchen island, both sipping on wine.

"So why would your parents kill you and why haven't you got any of your belongings?"

"Um, well... You see," I laugh awkwardly. "It's a funny story. I was actually meant to get married today." I tell the truth. In vino veritas.
Liam doesn't show any sign of surprise or what the fuck? so I continue.

"But I didn't want to say I do so I ran. I ran and left everything behind."

"Like Cinderella but you didn't lose a slipper." He smiles.

"No but I lost everything else." I shrug, laughing. Liam looks at me with pity.

"You can stay here for as long as you'd like." He says that with so much sincerity that it surprises me.

"Don't be ridiculous. We don't even know each other. That's not normal."

"We didn't really meet in normal circumstances." He smiles. That's true. At a dog park, neither of us owning a dog. Funny.

"I'll have to go back at some point..."

"We'll think of something." He assures. "And you don't have to worry, I'll sleep on the couch."

Now that made me worry. Sleeping with him was one of the things I was looking forward to. I was also looking forward to him kissing me but from the looks of it, that's not going to happen in the near future. Maybe he's not attracted to me? Bullshit. Why else would he invite me to dinner.

"Do you not find me attractive?" I blurt out.

"What?" His brows furrow as if the mere thought of that was the most incredulous thing to him.

"Why don't you want to sleep with me?"

"Well, Alessia, I thought you'd be uncomfortable."

"Well, I'm uncomfortable with you sleeping on the couch." He barks out a raspy laugh, causing wrinkles to form in the corners of his eyes and runs a hand through his medium length hair.

"My apologies then, love. I'll sleep with you." When he looks at me, his eyes swirl with deep emotions which I'm too drunk to name.

"I'm also uncomfortable with the fact that you still haven't kissed me." I pout and my shoulders slump.

Liam suddenly stands from his chair, his eyes trap me in their snares and suddenly I feel like I'm prey. I gulp.

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