Part 6: A New View

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Now that You understand this world a little more and Kayui is finally starting his journey here as well I'll hand this off to him. Don't worry, I'll be back whenever you or Kayui need me.


Before I could even think everyone vanished instantly not leaving a trail.

I darted into the forest as well attempting to use my altitude, but it didn't go as well as I thought.

I felt my body give out on me as I tried to dash again. The ground made a splat sound as I hit it.

Getting back up resiliently I continued to search. This time I had an advantage. I could feel anything in the immediate area around me.

"Only 20 seconds have gone by, I have plenty of time," I said to myself when a flicker of cold on my back alerted my senses.

Instinctively I recoiled off a tree and flipped over onto a branch to search.

"ZIP!" An ice missile barely missing my midsection. "There you are" I yelled confronting the perpetrator at full speed.

Before he could react there was already a dampener around his wrist.

While dragging him back to the platform where Mr. Hong presided I noticed his hand was made from some sort of black ice.

Regardless I had beaten him proving my strength to the class.

Since I was first I got to watch my classmates battle it out as well. Each match didn't take very long since they were one minute each, but all of them were extremely informative and intriguing.

I saw abilities that varied from toxin to simply immeasurable speeds.

[After combat training]

"Okay, class I know you are tired but now we'll be doing individual battles." Said the structured man.

Everyone groaned. "I want Modoru and Kenko"

The girl who used the toxin walked up first. The frail skinny boy followed.


Kenko shot a stream of green liquid at the boy which he easily dodged. He closed the distance quickly and drew a katana from what seemed to be nowhere, but to my surprise it was wooden.

As he got closer I noticed acid oozing from the calm girl. She was eerily calm, too calm even to me. It looked to me like she knew she'd win this battle.

Before I knew it Kenko had Modoru surrounded by the liquid. The entire ground was covered and she manipulated it to encase him.

"Okay, that's enough. Come back here." "They didn't even make contact?" I said to the black ice kid next to me. "We don't want anyone getting seriously hurt now kid" he responded bitterly.

"Kayui you're up next." Shouted Mr.Hong "Alright my time to shine." I responded ignoring his tactless tone.

"And give me Anan" a tiny girl approached us through the crowd.

"I've never noticed her before I don't think," I thought to myself.

"Regardless I'm gonna win, best of luck you'll need it," I exclaimed

Juusan Tensai: The Story Of Kayui (Rough draft) Where stories live. Discover now