Steady (1)

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"Tanjiro! You need to eat at least one of the apples! Don't just save them all for me!"

Nezuko says in distress.

She keeps trying to get tanjiro to eat, but he declines all her attempts.

"Nezuko, I'm not hungry. When we left our home for the trip, I already ate a ton of food.....Save the apples for yourself,  you need them more."

Tanjiro stated softly to Nezuko.

"So!? Just because because you ate already doesn't mean you can't again!"

Nezuko said to Tanjiro, getting angry in concern.

"How about you go to sleep Nezuko, I promise I'll eat one if you do...."

Tanjiro said sarcastically to Nezuko to lighten the mood.

"Really?! Well okay!"

Nezuko said happily, and a little shocked to.

"Wait.....Onii-chan, where are we going on this trip....?"

Nezuko asked before her nap.

"To a place called black castle or whatever."

Tanjiro started.

"Some guy told me that 'demons' were near by and we should seek protection at black castle or demon slayer Co, which he called it that. I think he told me his name was Yoriichi or something of the sorts. He gave me a pair of earrings, similar to the ones he had on. After those weird events happened, he told me to bring you with me."

Tanjiro finished telling Nezuko how they got here which put her to sleep like it was a bed time story.

"Well, don't worry Nezuko, we'll be there soon...."

Tanjiro suddenly woke up from a abrupt stop in the carriage they were riding on

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Tanjiro suddenly woke up from a abrupt stop in the carriage they were riding on.

Tanjiro opened his eyes to see a traditional black Japanese building with many flowers and trees srounding it.

"This must be the black catsle I suppose.....Nezuko! Wake up, we're here!"

Nezukos eyes fluttered opened with a soft blink.

Tanjiro grabbed their stuff out the carriage, as well as Nezuko, then the carriage left.

Tanjiro and Nezuko are curious as well as nervous to see what this mysterious place entails for them.

--------- Inkastarza.

Lu Lu Moon-Demon slayer-Mixed au, KokuzanWhere stories live. Discover now