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"Our Master won't be waiting for you Giyuu-san, you are recommended to hurry up." Shinobu mentioned to him.

He glanced at her with an angry stare for her disrespectful antics.

"You shall not talk to your superiors like that Shinobu. Kagaya-Sama will be more angered that someone as weak as you hasn't shown up yet." Giyuu looked at Shinobu who was also angered at his comments.

"Oh I'm counting on it." Shinobu said with great precision.


"Oh Lord Kagaya! You look excellent today~! But~ I think a little more chest should be shown~!" Mitsuri says from below.

"Mitsuri-Chan, You're looking excellent today as well..." Obanai says quietly.

"Like I'm not always looking good~?" Mitsuri asked him.

"QUIET. Master Kagaya will be talking soon and you're absolutely disrespecting him with your stupid fucking comments!" Sanemi says angrily.

"Where is Giyuu and Shinobu? Their late."
Gyomei ask. After so, the whole room turns to Upper 1 careful not to disrupt him.

"Sorry Gyomei-Sama! Giyuu-San  just wanted to slack today~!" Shinobu yelled from the other side of the room.

"No need for apologies Shinobu. Giyuu is known from being absolutely lazy, pathetic for an strong uppermoon like him." Kagaya stated.

"Ha?! Master Ubuyashiki, I shall bend to your will. What is it you called us here for?" Shinobu got onto her knees, same for the other uppermoons around.

"I've called you all here today to ask you all one simple request. Kill the ones going under the name "Michikatsu and Yoriichi Tsugikuni." Kagaya simply said. Once he did, he gained a loyal look from all of his Kizuki.

"I will request my Lower moons of this task aswell, but I trust that one of you shall complete my task easily." Kagaya looked at his demons with faith.

"And if you fail, but come back still alive....well....You'll face severe punishment. And I will not go lightly on you." Kagaya threatened.

------- Little time skip <3

Kagaya faced his lower moons, he despised them as they were usless for him completely his goals.

"Now, I'll say this once and I will not repeat it. I want you to hunt down and kill two people, these people in question names are Michikatsu and Yoriichi." Kagaya started.

"Michikatsus appearance is burgundy hair, dark purple eyes, pale skin, a purple, hexagon pattern haroi and black pants." Kagaya continues onwards.

"Yoriichis appearance is also burgundy hair, maroon eyes, pale skin, orange haroi and black pants." Kagaya then finished.

"And if you fail and come back alive I will punish you with death." Kagaya glanced at his lower moons in disbelief on how weak they were.

"Yes my lord! We will come back to you with their heads!" Atakuma said, lowermoon 1.

"You better." Kagaya responded before calling upon his assistant Yukio.

"Yukio, use you Bda to telport me out of here." Kagaya demanded.

"Yes sir." Yukio took out her fan, telporting Kagaya away.


A/N-- That's the end of this part :3 I will be working on this for a little before we get to the past and their trauma :3


---Inkastarza <3

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