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gore or something idk.. somewhat smut-like descriptions, and Death...? Not technically death but its death like idk.. 🤷‍♀️

Idk if you can consider this a trigger
warning, but Yoriichi is going to be majorly rude and slightly homophobic towards Muzan.

(That's why his wife is always dead in absolutely every Yoriichi related fan fiction. Sorry not sorry.)

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1st person pov: Yoriichi ☆

You know what? I think I just might tell the other that little bastard's secret, maybe then Michikatsu won't fall for that Bitches schemes...Fucking hoe.

I'm currently walking down the narrow path way located in a isolated bamboo forest. This path way also has wisteria trees and flowers scattered around almost everywhere. The path leads to the base as of now. I still need to figure out how to show that that little secret Muzans been hiding from all of us..

I secluded a meeting as there were demon sightings near the forests, this is the perfect time to expose that fuck face and his dumb shit.

3rd person pov: ☆
----┌─── ∘°❉°∘ ───┐----
Time skip

Later in the evening everyone came to the meeting room obviously with high notice that it must be serious.

"So...there's been demon sightings at the near by forest. And we have gotten information from Nakime Kagaya killed of all his lower moons. So the demon here is a uppermoon supposedly." Yoriichi stated while glancing at everyone else, Muzan was near Yoriichi which made him grit his teeth.

"And I would like for Hakuji and Muzan to go." Yoriichi then finished while he continued observing the room for any thing incriminating specifically against Muzan.

"Ugh...Whhyy?" Muzan groans angrily. He doesn't like to go on missions and is more lay back.

"It's alright Muzan-San, since we're friends we're going together." Hakuji smiles softly which slightly cheered him up.

"I object to this nonsense. Why should Muzan go?" Michikatsu asked standing up from his spot. He was angry and he didn't want Muzan to go.

"Michikatsu, why does who I pick matter to you?" Yoriichi asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Oh Yoriichi-dono, don't you know~?! Michikatsu likes Muzan~!" Douma announced loudly. Nobody said anything but just looked at Michikatsu because it was pretty obvious that he liked him.

Michikatsu turned beat red and turned away "Shut up.." Michikatsu manged to let out of his lips

"Obviously I know that Douma. Just shut up and let me end this goddamn meeting." Yoriichi said while fixing his haori.

----┌─── ∘°❉°∘ ───┐----,
Time skip

"I can't belive this bull shit..." Muzan murmured under his breath. He was agitated that Yoriichi sent him on a useless mission, he had plans with Michikatsu today.

"Muzan I see a demon up ahead of us..
What is it that you suggest we do?" Hakuji asked whilist turning his head towards the grumpy raven.

"Kill them...What else?" Muzan rolled his eyes and closed them while his feet moved along the path, leading to more forests.

The only person he could think about was Michikatsu, he knew how worried he was for him, so he couldn't get himself hurt by a bunch of scumbag demons.

He was unshakable to some demons. Almost every demon knows him, but he barely comes out. Nobody knows why any demon that gets killed by him is scared an confused. Muzan Kibutsuji. A well know mystery in the demon world. He appears weak so most demons don't understand what strikes that confusion and fear in them once they get to fight the slayer.

Once Muzan and Hakuji walked up to the demon they turned around, it was uppermoon 8, Tengen Uzui.

Muzan slanted his eyes in disgust. The demon had many colors on them with petty rine stones all over his outfit.

"Oh my...Here's some unfashionable, unflashy, unflameboyant slayers trying to challenge me? Me? MWA?! I'll burst you away with my flashyness!" Tengen said before yelling out his blood demon art.

(I don't know how the hell to type anything similar so just pretend like he actually said it 😇😇😇😇😇)

Muzan rolled his eyes in response and signaled to Hakuji to attack on timing.
They dogged Uzuis attacks easily.

"Blood breathing, form 2, veins." Muzan shouted out before attacking the demon again, his slashes were swift and smooth and they perfectly aligned with Hakuji's as they attacked together.

"Destruction breathing, form 5, Explosives" Hakuji then upped his speed and landed a fatal blow on Uzui, but unfortunately it wasn't at his neck so he regenerated it late after.

The two slayers had plenty of scratches, wounds, blemishes, and their blood was practically bleeding through their clothes. But despite these challenges they pushed and pushed.

They were attacking left and right, but what the didn't know us that they had spits open for Uzui to end their life's.

He buldged up his fist and and punctured Muzan in the stomach, blood leaked down from his stomach and his mouth as Uzui dropped him. His intestines coiled inside of him, as parts of his stomach and organs were left on Uzuis hand. Hakuji's eyes grew wide as he felt tears coming out from the corners. He was confused and didn't know what to do about anything at all anymore.

"MUZAN!" Hakuji cried out in spite of his tears as he continued fighting the demon.

"Muzan? That's the slayer the demons were chatting about? I knew it he's no match for me. Weak and pathetic." Uzui said as he and Hakuji continued to fight.

"Hey what the hell!?" Uzui shouted as he started coughing, as well as Hakuji, he fell onto the ground as he looked up to see a figure with piercing red eyes, he couldn't see anything else besides that because of the heavy fog covering their view.

After a short moment, the fog cleared up. It revealed their vision to a person....or maybe a demon, around 5'9, 5'10 or so with long white wavy hair. They had piercing red eyes, throwing dagers in every direction they faced.

"W-who are you...?" Uzui asked as he was still on the the ground looking up at the.. Thing? Demon? Human?

"I am your worst nightmare. See, when you kill me in my weak body I'll turn onto my... 'psychotic' form that's what your looking at currently....And since you killed me, my reception picks up your scent which makes me want to target you as a whole specifically..." He smiled widely before his eyes widened with completely insane intentions.

"M-Muzan..?" Hakuji asked while looking in distress.

"I mean...not really, but yes, I am a part of Muzan as a whole. Before you ask. Muzan is half-human, half-demon. I'm his 50% demon part, his 50% human part just isn't that important for it to develop its own body..." It said while smirking.

"Oh! And if you mention any of this to Muzan once I return back to him, you'll regret it so terribly, Hakuji." It stated while glancing at Uzui.

"So, Muzans been hiding this from us..?" Hakuji looked down, he felt betrayed ad he thought him and Muzan were never supposed to hiding thing from one another.

"No no no. That's not how that works. Since I'm a single part of him anything were I'm separate from him he won't remember." It the walked up to Uzui and kicked his head off his neck.

"His wounds should've healed by now..I'll return back to him." He turned around and moved towards Muzans body, he was indeed correct all his wounds were healed.

It touched Muzan and a burst of bright light shined in Hakuji's face. After the light passed, Muzan sat up and and rubbed his eye.

"...My head hurts....What happened..?"

Sorry for the lack of updates, my motivation doesn't really get the job done. Thank you for being patient with me <3

--- Inkastarza

1319 words <3

Lu Lu Moon-Demon slayer-Mixed au, KokuzanWhere stories live. Discover now