Long lasting hours(5)

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This is a continuation of part three of opponents :3


Kagaya looked up at the hasira sitting in the tree. It was indeed a slayer, but they had a demonic aura coming and going off of them.

He could tell they were most likely relatives, but he wasn't sure why the kid wasn't fully a demon of any sorts.

Then the slayer turned to look the way Kagaya was standing. He now saw that the slayer had piercing red eyes that could probably kill someone.

"Hm. Hello sir, most people don't travel in these parts of the bamboo forest....Need any help going back?" The slayer asked.

"Hello to you aswell. Say do you happen to know anyone named Muzan?" Kagaya asked.

"You're looking right at him buddy. Mind getting that into your head?" Muzan said.

Kagaya pov.
This is THE muzan kibutsuji? The slayer known for terrorizing demons and being absolutely brutal and ruthless with them? He looks more feminine than most demons interpret.

He looked at me one more time before his eyes widened. But why?

3p pov

"You look like that demon I saw while I was a little kid...Let's just say this didn't go right....." Muzan said, what he said left Kagaya startled, he knew what he was talking about but didn't speak up.

"It's getting late, you should probably return to your home." Muzan told him.

"Of course Mr." Kagaya responded before walking away

What a weird interaction. Kagaya thought.

*Back with the slayers, plus more Kokuzan*

"Hey guys, I'm back from my expedition."
Muzan shouted.

"Okay... Did you find anything that could help us end demons?" Yoriichi asked.

"Aw, come on! That's the first thing you ask about? What about mee~?" Muzan looked at Yoriichi with a wide smirk.

"And no I didn't find anything related to demons, but I did find these berries and they taste amazing!" Muzan continues eating his berries.

"How are you feeling Muzan, are you hurt I anyway?" Michikatsu asked him.

"What? I'm fine!" Muzan said happily.

"Well I'm glad you are....I don't want you in pain, and if you were I would take care if it immediately..." Michikatsu told him but he whispered the last part.

"Anyways I'm going back to my estate...Don't bother me." Muzan said walking away.

---Inkastarza. ♡

Lu Lu Moon-Demon slayer-Mixed au, KokuzanWhere stories live. Discover now