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A/N: This chapter has explicit themes in it, if you are uncomfortable with such feel free to click off this part <3

Smut basically a wet dream
(It happens in the story, but doesn't REALLY happen though of course) :0

1 character fantasizing over another
(Self explanatory tbh)

Muzan just being stupid again
(Because why not? :3) Has nothing to do with the warnings lol

Enjoy! C:

3 p pov

Michikatsu was peacefully laying in his room however, he still couldn't get his mind off his beloved. Perhaps he should step outside for a moment and relieve his mind...but no, it didn't work the first time so why would it work now.

He got up and started getting dressed. He has a meeting in a few minutes and he definitely didn't want to be late or else Yoriichi would yell at him for the third time.

After he got dressed, he left his estate and started walking to their meeting room. It's really close to Muzans estate so Yoriichi always will and always had hated the fact that he was literally late all the time.

Once Michikatsu got there he saw Douma, Hakuji, Yoriichi, Nakime and Gyutaro. They're currently waiting for Ume, and Muzan.

Michikatsu sat down and sighed, he doesn't care about the meeting, he just wanted to talk to Muzan despite killing demons being important.

1p pov: (Michikatsu)

Someone tapped my shoulder, I turn to looked them and I see Douma. My face immediately turns into a look of dissatisfaction because it's not who I was anticipating.

"What's with the look Michikatsu-dono~?"
Douma asked me in a annoying voice, it's very unlike my Moonlights, soft, angelic voice...I wish he was here currently. The only positive thing I can think about is Mu..

"Shut up Douma..." I whispered a little but he still heard me.

I didn't even notice but Ume's here, Yoriichi says she's been sitting there for a few minutes....Well I guess you can't notice stuff like that if you only think about one person every day...
3 p pov:

After awhile Muzan finally came into the meeting room, he sat next to Michikatsu and leaned back on his chair.


"Mmn.....I'm just tieerrd...." Muzan said with a smirk on his face.

Yoriichi glanced at him and started talking about demon sightings.

︶꒦꒷♥︎꒷꒦︶Time Skip︶꒦꒷♥︎꒷꒦︶

After the meeting, Michikatsu returns back
to his estate, his mind was still clouded with thoughts about his beloved. Everyone in the meeting knew he wasn't paying attention because he was just staring at Muzan the whole time instead of listening to Yoriichi.

(Ofc Muzan didn't notice 😇)

Well, he couldn't help it. He loves and will continue to love Muzan till his death arrives, maybe even after death. Muzan is a part of him that he will cherish forever.

He layed back in his bed. He started attempting to sleep even though he couldn't keep himself from thinking about other things other than sleep.

Eventually, he managed to fall asleep. If you were to go into his estate at that time you'd probably see him twitching a little.

Lu Lu Moon-Demon slayer-Mixed au, KokuzanWhere stories live. Discover now