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A/N: This is a Angst chapter which includes topics of SH, if you are uncomfortable with the things mentioned here please skip as you wish. Also Fluff because why not :3

Also side note, Yoriichi and Muzan are unaware of Michikatsus crush for Muzan despite everyone else knowing.
(Their just a little slow)


1 p pov (Michikatsu)

I wish that he knew how much I adore him. He's like a artifacts that I want to take care of and make sure it never breaks no matter the cost. He doesn't understand nor knows how I feel and I hate that. My soul yearns for him but in return I get nothing, he's unaware of my feelings and won't and can't understand how I feel until I tell him, but I can't, I just can't.

What if he rejects me? I'll never recover from it. We've been best friends for so long, it's going to be heart shattering if I were to confess my feelings and he doesn't accept them. He just acted like us making out was just a little interaction and didn't mean anything...

I would do anything, even if it means harming myself in the process. I'll love him till it's the death of me. Maybe if I do it enough he'll notice my love for him. Possibly he might love me back...I wish for him to love me for eternity. Till our lives colied like two galaxys we will stay just best friends.

I walked out of my estate. My mind is completely clouded with thoughts about Muzan, he was the one thing that shined in my life like a ray of sunshine...

Yoriichi tried talking to me but I ignored him and just kept walking. I don't know where I'm going, but I just kept walking.

3 p pov
Michikatsu continued to walk and walk until he felt like he didn't want to anymore.
Once he stopped walking, his eyes stopped on a hill leading off into water and coincidently, Muzan was there.

"H-hey Muzan.." Michikatsu said with a strike of nervousness in his voice. He sat down next to the small raven and scooted closer to him.

"Hi Moon!" Muzan said with a ecstatic pitch to his tone. He was stargazing just before this since the other slayers already are going on missions.

"What are you doing out here hm...?" Michikatsu asked him. He was curious, but certainly for not any of the right reasons to be curious about someone.

"Just stargazing....What about you, why are you here?" Muzan looked at Michikatsu as he froze a little before answering.

"I was just wondering and saw a beauty so I went towards the cliff and you just so happened to be here." Michikatsu told him, his story was a little mixed up but It was almost true.

Michikatsu moved closer to Muzan and moved him onto his lap. Muzan didn't notice because he was to busy looking at the stars.

"Muzan...I got you something.."Michikatsu told him before handing him a box.

Muzan opened the gift box and saw a pretty Moon Necklace


(Muzan has the gold one and Michikatsu has the silver one

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(Muzan has the gold one and Michikatsu has the silver one.)

"Aw....Thank you Michikatsu..." Muzan smiled softly.

"No problem Moonlight, anything for you." Michikatsu told him, but he whispered the last part.

"But I do have to ask, why do you keep giving me gifts? Like I don't necessarily deserve them since I haven't gave you anything..." He asked, he still had a smile on his face.

"No need, you're already a gift..." Michikatsu said

"What?" Muzan questioned him.

"Nothing..." He responded.

"The moon looks beautiful tonight....."
Michikatsu looked at Muzan a little after saying so.


Lol Muzans really oblivious 😭
Any ways, thank you for reading my story out of all the others out there <3

-- Sincerely, Inkastarza.

Random art because why not?

Random art because why not?

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Bye lol 😆

Lu Lu Moon-Demon slayer-Mixed au, KokuzanWhere stories live. Discover now