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A/N: I am a little sick so I might update less.

T/W: possessiveness, obsession, anger, intention to murder, refusal, angst, mentions of a character wanting to commit suicide/self harm, and protectiveness.

Enjoy! <3 3 3


"Michikatsu! Come here!" Muzan shouted.
And of course like always Michikatsu immediately came. His is actions with Muzan are far different from what he does with others, even his own brother doesn't get the same treatment from Michikatsu as Muzan always does.

"Muzan? What's wrong Moonlight? Are you hurt in any way..?" Michikatsu asked before checking Muzan for and cuts, or bruises.

"I'm fine Michikatsu...I just wanted to introduce you to my friend, her name is Rei." Muzan stepped to the side, Rei looked at him and she waved at Michikatsu, but he gave her the cold shoulder.

"Oh." Is all he said before walking away.

"What's wrong with him?" Rei asked Muzan, he shrugged his shoulders


After Muzan introduce Rei to everyone he was still a little confused as to why Michikatsu acted that.

Muzan walked into Michikatsu estate and saw him sitting on his futon holding a picture, Muzan couldn't see what the picture was, but knew it had to be important to him.

"Michikatsu..?" Muzan called out to him.

"Moonlight..." Michikatsu whispered before turning slightly.

He patted the spot next to him before turning. Muzan walked over to him and sat down next to him.

"So, Mu...Do you happen to..Y'know...Like anyone..?" Michikatsu asked him, he turned his head away from him and glanced a little before looking away again.

"Of course I do! I like you!" Muzan smiled.

"I..." Michikatsu blushed a little before realizing Muzan meant he likes him as a friend.

"No no...That's not what I meant Moonlight...I mean are you in love with anyone..." Michikatsu restated before looking directly at Muzan.

"Oh!......Uh no I'm not...Why are you asking." Muzan asked curiously.

"Oh...No reason at all....Just asking because y'know...we're best friends so I should know if you like someone right?" Michikatsu stated.

"So do you like anyone?" Muzan asked..

"I-I!...N-no...I dont.." Michikatsu answered.

"Oh...okay then.." Muzan got up and walked out of Michikatsu estate.

But just before ge left fully he turned back.

"I'll be in the flower field with Rei, if you wanna talk then just go there I'll be happy to chat there!" Muzan then left Michikatsu in his estate alone.

·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ Time skip <3ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

2 weeks later

3rd p pov.
"Rei this Rei that, that's all he talks about anymore!" Michikatsu continued complaining to his twin brother.

"He doesn't even want to go places with me because that stupid bitch is always dragging him somewhere!" Michikatsu yelled angrily.

"Hold up Anuie, why is this making you so angry? You do know Muzan can have other friends right?" Yoriichi stated before putting his hand on his brother's shoulder.

"OF COURSE I KNOW THAT....It's just that I don't want anything or anyone else near him, its something I want to, but can't control....I don't want that disgusting woman to touch him...hes...hes...hes mine." Michikatsu kept talking, but whispered the last part.

Lu Lu Moon-Demon slayer-Mixed au, KokuzanWhere stories live. Discover now