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T/W: Attempted Rape, Torture, Possessiveness, Angst, Mentions of suicide, and plenty aggression. If you are sensitive to the topics listed, please feel free to click off this chapter. I hope you enjoy, have fun dear reader!

A/N: Most of the warnings are later in the chapter.

3rd p pov:

Muzan and Yoriichi were on a "mission" together, neither of them liked eachother; Michikatsu totally didn't put them on the mission together just for them to calm down with the hatred.

"You may have fooled the others, but I'm not stupid, I know your secret you're terrible at hiding it, Kibutsuji." Yoriichi said with a stern look, complimenting his maroon eyes.

"What the fuck are you talking about dumbass? I have no secret." Muzan said angrily to combat Yoriichi's statement.

"Sure, I totally believe so." Yoriichi said sarcastically. He kept glancing at Muzan with an angry stare.

"I wish Michikatsu was here....hes way nicer than you, and I thought you were twin brothers...." Muzan said while turning his head away from Yoriichi.

"We are twin brothers, but we are different people you dumbass." Yoriichi insulted Muzan which overly resulted in Muzan getting more frustrated.

"Shut up, Bitch!" Muzan shouted angrily, he hated Yoriichi with his whole gut, the same way Yoriichi hated Muzan.

"I can't believe you haven't figured out yet...How stupid are you." Yoriichi said.

"What are you talking about? What am I supposed to be knowing." Muzan asked curiously, but still with an angry tone.

"Seriously? You're around Michikatsu all the time, how do you not know?" Yoriichi asked, he looked at Muzan like he was a stupid, candy starved child.

"What are you suggesting? I know almost everything about Michikatsu, what else is there to know?" Muzan asked while staring at Yoriichi intensely.

"Oh my fucking god, you're so fucking stupid, how oblivious are you to Michikatsu's obvious cru- You know what? I'll let Michikatsu tell you." Yoriichi then closed his eyes and kept walking.

"Tell me!" Muzan yelled.
"No." Yoriichi said calmly.
"Yes!" Muzan shouted again.
"No." Yoriichi looked at Muzan wondering how much longer this was going to go on for

30 minutes later:

"YES!" Muzan shouted.
"I SAID NO!" Yoriichi shouted back.

"What are you guys yelling about?"
Michikatsu asked the two who continued shouting at eachother.

"Yoriichi called me dumb and said that you have an obvious secret that everyone knows about and he won't tell me!" Muzan yelled.

"Can you tell me Michikatsu?" Muzan asked.

"I-I-I...." Michikatsu stuttered, his eyes lingered on Muzan which made him blush.

"Go on, tell him Anuie..." Yoriichi teased Michikatsu about his crush, the whole thing made Muzan confused, but only Michikatsu could set his mood off or on depending the the situation.

"I...want to speak to you in private Muzan." Michikatsu whispered in his ear.

"Oh...wow....okay." Muzan responded.

Time skip <3

"Muzan, I...I......" Michikatsu continued stuttering, he didn't know how to confess to Muzan without making it sound stupid.

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