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Warming up to others isn't easy. It's really hard to accept others for who they are and what they do. You and that person may have disagreements, but at the end of the day we are all human.


Nezuko and Tanjiro has been with the demon slayers for a while now, demons haven't been showing up lately.

Neither of them have gotten used to Muzan yet even though Michikatsu insists that he's just like that.

Muzan creeped Nezuko and Tanjiro out when the first met which Muzan says they're "using" that against him.


"Muzan, could you at least help me with this stuff instead of staring at the pond?!" Yoriichi said.

"I'm not in the mood fuck face..." Muzan said angrily.

"Just because you're angry doesn't mean you can't help!" Yoriichi said.

"If I help you will you talk to Michikatsu for me? He's been ignoring me all day..." Muzan asked him.

"Uhm.....Sure.." Yoriichi said slightly confused.

"....Thank you..." Muzan got up and started helping Yoriichi with the boxes of katanas and D.S.C outfits.

-Yorii's Pov:

Hm....Maybe Michikatsu was right... I should I not push him so hard all the time....?

nah, I'm doing it anyways....

3p Pov (Again) :

After Muzan got done helping Yoriichi, he tried looking for Michikatsu, he couldn't find him anywhere, till he saw Yoriichi actually doing what he asked him to. That made him wonder what he was saying to him.

Michikatsu Pov:

I was about to walk back to the sleeping rooms until I felt a tug on my sleeve. I turned around and was met with Yoriichi's face.

"What do you want?" I asked confused about why he was tugging on my sleeve.

"Uh....Muzan wanted me to talk to you..." Yoriichi said.

"Muzan? Why couldn't he do that himself." I ask confused.

"He says you're ignoring him.." Yoriichi stated.

"Oh, well if you see him, tell him to meet me in the cafe....." I said.

"Okay! See ya Anuie!" Yoriichi then walked away.


3p Pov:

Muzan got done spying on them, he didn't hear it fully but he had an idea that his Moon wasn't trying to ignore him.

Yoriichi walked up to Muzan and told I'm to go to the cafe.

After a little Muzan made it the the cafe

nd went up to where Michikatsu was sitting.

"Mu? So he actually told you..hm" Michikatsu said.

"Moon? Why did you want me here?"

"Come closer Mu.." Michikatsu said.

Muzan compiled and sat next to Michikatsu.

Michikatsu suddenly roughly kissed Muzan

"Mmn! Mmn....." Muzan made soft noises in Michikatsu mouth.

Michikatsu then let Muzan go which made gasp because it was so sudden.

"Moon....why did you do that..?"
The smaller one asked with uncertainty overlaying in his voice.

"Sh..." The taller on shushed him.


"Wanna make out?" Michikatsu asked.

"Ha?!.........Yeah..." Muzan said.

Muzan kissed him first, and Michikatsu finished it, they started to make out in the cafe ignoring anything else.

(Nose bleed)

(Another meeting)

"Ugh....where is Muzan and Michikatsu?! They were supposed to be here 10 minutes ago!?" Hakuji said annoyed.

Suddenly, the door swung and Michikatsu and Muzan walked in.

Muzans pale face had a tint of red on it.

"Where were you two?!" Hakuji asked angrily.

"We needed to discuss something." Michikatsu said.

"Was it really that important that important that you had to miss 10 minutes of our meeting~?" Douma asked.

"Way more important than whatever this is...." Muzan said with sas to his tone.

"Ridiculous" Yoriichi said.

"Ridiculous" Yoriichi said

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---------- Inkastarza.

(They made out for 10 minutes.*

Lu Lu Moon-Demon slayer-Mixed au, KokuzanWhere stories live. Discover now