New place (2)

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Tanjiro started walking with Nezuko to the building they were directed to.

Tanjiro was exited, while Nezuko was suspicious of the place, because Tanjiro   has done something similar to the situation before.

They walked in the building to be met with a guy with a heavy and creepy aura.

He stared at the two with a sinister grin on his face, Nezuko nor Tanjiro could see him properly because of his hair.

Tanjiro couldn't tell whether or not the person staring at him and Nezuko was a girl or a boy.

He was majorly nervous and confused.

The person stepped out the shadows of the dark room.

Now Tanjiro figured out that it was indeed a man, but just with a girlish figure.

"Ah.....You two must be the two Yoriichi was talking about....How annoying that man is.....Anyways, could you tell me..." The raven moved his hair out hair out the way, revealing his piercingly bright red eyes. "What your names are...?"

Tanjiro gulped nervously. This gut he just met was creeply appealing to him.

"......Um...My name's Tanjiro, and this is my sister Nezuko...." He said nervously.

"Hm, Nezuko and Tanjiro...? What intriguing names..... My name's Muzan. Don't get use to it....." He said with a little anger stringed to his voice.

"So tell me, why are you here? Is it because that Happy go lucky fuck Yoriichi told you so?" He asked in a soft tone but under laying anger.

Tanjiro glanced and Nezuko who nodded.

"Well....Yes that is why we're here...."

Nezuko said a little nervous also.

"Well.....sense you're one of Yoriichi's recommendations....." He stared at Tanjiro and Nezuko for a long minute before continuing. "I should just kill you both right here...." He said pulling his katana out slightly. "I'm just playin with ya.....I would never.....Though, bloodshed is a great sight.....And I've been lacking it for awhile..." He smiled widely.

Nezuko and Tanjiro were both creeped out by this guy. Threats to kill someone are usually serious, but he was joking about killing someone like it's a normal activity.....

"Here....go to that fuck face up ahead, you should know already, but that's Yoriichi." He said

Nezuko spead ahead of Tanjiro not wanting to be by Muzan any longer.

After a little, Tanjiro and Nezuko got to Yoriichi who was talking to a similar looking person but they had purple on.

"Uh....Excuse me sir....You're Yoriichi right?" Nezuko asked the man.

"Hm? Oh no, my names Michikatsu, my little brother, Yoriichi is right there." He pointed to the guy infront of him. "By the way have you seen a guy named Muzan by any chance?" He asked Nezuko.

She recoiled slightly hearing that name of someone who disturbing to her.

"Um....he's over there...." She said.

"Ah I see, thank you little one." He walked away heading in the direction Nezuko referred to. "Muzan!" Was shouted from the distance by Michikatsu.

"So, you guys managed to make it here hm? Also I'm sorry for Muzans behavior you two he's just......a complicated..... person to talk to....I don't know how Aunie manages him....Anyways, come along now, Ume has already set up your outfits...."

Tanjiro and Nezuko put their new outfits on

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Tanjiro and Nezuko put their new outfits on. They were now waiting for their Katanas to come, they see a guy with blonde-ish hair, more silvery. He had a sickening smile on his face, it reminded Nezuko of Muzan which she sighed, knowing there's another one.

"Oh hey there~!!!!" The guy tightly grabbed Tanjiros shoulder roughly. "My name's Douma~!!!!"

"Uhm well, Douma. We're waiting for out katanas....Do you happen to know where they are....?" Tanjiro asked nicely. "Your katanas~? Oh my my, I just happen to have them right here~!!!!"

Tanjiro took the katanas and gave one to Nezuko.

"Here...." He said softly

Maybe being here won't be to bad for Nezuko and Tanjiro....

Minus Muzan.


Lu Lu Moon-Demon slayer-Mixed au, KokuzanWhere stories live. Discover now