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Birth, Death, Rebirth, Repeat.


"Stupid slayers.....I'm going to get revenge on that ice hasira from killing my Sister!"

"IT'S NOT FAIR! THAT STUPID HASIRA SPARED ME FOR FUN!" Shinobu yelled angrily, her wings flapped in sync to her anger. She kicked the wall breaking it into small pieces.

"Shinoooobuuu-Chaaaann!" Was shouted from the distance. Shinobu looked backed angrily and saw the uppermoon 6, Mitsuri.

Mitsuri and Shinobu are great friends, they usually hang out together, but Mitsuri prefers going else where instead of hanging out with Shinobu.

Shinobu has anger problems and attachment problems, so she thinks that Mitsuri doesn't want to he her friend anymore anytime she leaves her.

"M-Mitsuri-San? I thought you left....For good."
Shinobu whispered quietly as Mitsuri stared at her, a soft smile appeared on Shinobus face before she walked up to Mitsuri and hugged her.

"Mitsuri-san, are we going to hunt today? You seem like you enjoy that activity...." Shinobu stated softly.

"Of course Shinobu, Let's
go to the blue bliss mountain....there's a lot of slayers there, plus it's really pretty!" Mitsuri exclaimed happily whist smiling brightly at Shinobu.


Shinobu and Mitsuri made it to the mountain, the view was beautiful, but Shinobu was staring out into the distance.

"Shinobu, are you okay?" Mitsuri asked Shinobu. Mitsuri knew Kagaya didn't want her talking to her subordinates, but Mitsuri cared for the uppermoons. Demons aren't supposed to feel compassion, love nor humanity, but Mitsuri has those feelings for the others around her.

"Excuse me for a moment Mitsuri, I need to go check out something....." Shinobu said codly with a deadly stare into Mitsuri bright green eyes.

Shinobu got up from the hard stone under them leading to the river. Hey eyes shined under the bright moon light, although they were still dead as ever.

Shinobu walked away to a secluded spot which looked like it has ice everywhere.

Mitsuri was feeling a mixture of curiosity and suspicion, she didn't want Shinobu getting hurt because Shinobu frequently says that she hates ice and the word I'm general.

Shinobus Pov :3
I walked over to the icey area, it looked like it was some kind of lake or pond frozen over. The more I walked the more I felt a strong aura, it particularly rare to find that here because more weaker demon slayers come here to relax.

After walking for a bit, my legs got tierd, so I sat down on the icey rock until I saw something in the distance.

I stared for awhile before I started to pick up what it is that I saw..

It was HIM! That same guy who killed my sister....I got up and walked towards him.

I smashed the bolder next to me to get his attention. He looked in my direction and smiled.

"Ah, Shinobu! I've never thought I'd see you again after I eliminated your sister! Came back to avenge her?" He giggled.

3p pov:

Shinobu stared flying and threw her butterfly pins at him that are laced with Cupriethylene Diamine.

(Don't mind this lol)

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(Don't mind this lol)

Before it could hit Douma, he sliced it with his katana. Shinobu wasn't strong at all, she almost always depends on her older sister to get her out of most situations, but this time she couldn't run away, she had to extend herself, for her sister, for her. This moment just might be the reason she lives or die.

She continued attacking Douma over and over again but he kept blocking her.

"Oh wow Shinobu-chan....You're so beautiful..." He giggled while staring at Shinobu with a seductive gaze.

Shinobu was stunned by his actions and got more pissed off as the time went on.
She attacked, attacked, attacked and attacked again, but she could never land a hit on Douma.

"Well, this was fun while it lasted, but it's time to end this don't you think Shinobu-chhaan~?" Douma put on his serious face and started attacking Shinobu at full speed. His attacks were extremely fast, more fast paced then most demons she saw.

"Ice breathing, form 3, scattering lotus!"
Douma sped up and grabbed Shinobus wings, cutting them off in a instant. Her regeneration speed wasn't the best so they'll be gone for a little.

Afterwards, Douma grabbed hundreds katana and positioned it at Shinobus neck
"Bye bye little butterfly~!"
(Miraculous ladybug ahh boy ☠)

He cut off Shinobus neck in a instant killing her in the process.


Lol that took forever because I had no ideas 😭 I hope you enjoyed it though-

( random art )

( random art )

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Lu Lu Moon-Demon slayer-Mixed au, KokuzanWhere stories live. Discover now