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(Little note: Muzan and Michikatsu aren't dating. Muzan views them making out as a nothing more than a few kisses. Why?because he's a little slow. Don't blame him lol :3)

"Michi, don't you think it's a little weird how Muzan acts so self centered all the time..?" Yoriichi asked him, looking off to the side, then Michikatsu answered his twin brother.

"No, he just acts like that, it's normal.."
Michikatsu replied, his answer made him gain a :/ face from Yoriichi.

"Aw come on Michikatsu, he's just so-"
Yoriichi tried to finish but was cut off.

"I'm just so what Yoriichi?" Muzan asked leaning against the wall.

"Annoying." Yoriichi finished.

"MICHIKATSU! DOUMA WANTS TO SPEAK TO YOU!" Shouted by Ume from the food rink.

"Got it, ill be there in a minute." Michikatsu replied before walking up to Muzan his 'best friend' and giving him another small gift box.

"Thank you Moon!" Yelled by Muzan to Michikatsu.

Muzan opened the box and saw two diamond earrings.

Aw man, he must have noticed my earrings fell out....Why does he keep giving me gifts, I don't understand.. Muzan thought.

Sorry this was short I just wanted to get the first chapter out the way.

Love you, thanks for reading this out of the other ones that exist <3

---Inkastarza. :3

Lu Lu Moon-Demon slayer-Mixed au, KokuzanWhere stories live. Discover now