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Look at my little cutie Muzan up there <3 AAAAA I love this persons art style so much- 🎀

Tw: Angst, possessiveness, drug use, alcohol, cigarettes, and obsession. :D


3rd person pov: :3

Muzans head rose after it had been on Michikatsu's chest for awhile. He yawned and rubbed his eyes to look down at his lover who was apparently still asleep.

He put his hand on Michikatsu's cheek, which in response to that Michikatsu opened his eyes and kissed Muzan soft on the lips, that made him realize that he was never sleep anyways.

"Good morning, my love." Michikatsu whispered in Muzans ear.

"Morning to you to." He responded before getting out of the bed.

"Is something wrong, Moonlight?" Michikatsu asked while pulling the blankets off of him.

"I..." Muzan paused before continuing "No. I'm fine, Michikatsu."

"Michikatsu?...My love, you can tell me anything, I won't get upset or sad at all..." He said before he got up and picked up Muzan.

Muzan usually doesn't call him by his first name...well he does but it's just shortend to Michi.

"Moonlight please....Please just talk to me whats wrong, my love...?" Michikatsu asked while still holding Muzan, he turned his head away from him.

"I'm fine. Put me down and leave me alone." Muzan said before turning back to Michikatsu.

"But I-....Alright." Michikatsu put Muzan down and left his estate.


1st person pov: Michikatsu.

I am still confused, he won't tell me anything. We made a promise to never hide anything from eachother and he can't even tell me how's he feeling...I feel terrible right now. What if he wants to break up? I would be miserable, if we broke up I wouldn't be able to handle it...I hope that's not the case...I love Muzan with my whole heart.

I sat down in the meeting room I was looking around and everyone was whispering.. It was probably about Muzan...I don't understand anything anymore.

Everyone here was talking about him. I hate them all. They should kill themselves.

"Michikatsu." Yoriichi said once he turned to me.

"What the fuck do you want?" I responded back to him rudely because I was pissed the fuck off....but is that really my fault?

"Where's your stupid boyfriend?" Yoriichi asked before walking over to me.

"He's not stupid you fucking cunt." I said before turning away. My brother was genuinely pissing me off.

"Why would I tell you where he is anyways...I would like to further delay this meeting anyways." I got up and walked towards him.

"You're one smart bitch aren't you?" Yoriichi said before his eyes narrowed, he smiled.

"As brothers, we shouldn't fight." I said before sitting back down.

The door opened and Muzan walked in. He seemed a little the cigarette in his mouth..... Wait what?!

I looked again and saw he had a cigarette in his mouth. When in the hell did he smoke?

"Muz-" I tried to talk to him bur he immediately cut me of.

"Shut up." Muzan said before leaning back in his chair and putting his feet on the table.

"Get your feet off the table Muzan." Yoriichi said before turning back to his papers.

"How about you get your ego out your ashore hm?" Muzan said before turning away.

"Why are you guys acting so different anyways. It's almost like...I dont know, I'm evil or something" Muzan said before looking directly at Hakuji.

"Hey, Hakuji. Aren't we friends or something? Why are you acting so indifferent?" He said before turning away from him.

".....Guys...I feel terrible, could we just tell him." Hakuji said to the rest of us....I hope Muzan won't notice that I was told about it aswell...

"Doesn't he already know? Why should we tell him if it's about him?" Ume said.

"HEY, NAKIME!" Muzan shouted from across the room to her.

"Yes, Kibutsuji-san?" She responded while playing her biwa.

"Could you go get Tanjiro and the other ones?" Muzan said, which to response, nakime nodded her head before walking out of the room.

"Anyways, what about me?" Muzan asked before looking at everyone in the room...including me.

"....Are you a demon Muzan?" Ume asked.

"What? No. Are you guys stupid or something? I don't even have fangs.." Muzan said before talking again.
"Plus, I can go out in the sun.." He finished talking, sitting down again.

"No...You're a demon, Muzan.." Hakuji said before looking directly at him.

"Eh?" Muzan made a noise after he narrowed his eyes.

"You turn into one if you get killed like that.....You're....half-demon half-human I guess...." Hakuji said before lowering his head.

"I don't understand." Muzan said before his head tilted down.

"Did you guys already know about this...?" He was asking everyone, but was mainly talking to me because I saw him staring directly at me.

"....Yes" I responded before turning away in disgust (to himself)

"Oh." He said before he made an intricate face. Afterwards he started looking at his feet.

"Finally finished? Good. Let's start with the meeting then.."

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Time skip ☄. *. ⋆

3rd person pov: :3
Muzan was huddled up on his bed, he was think about how everyone just hates him now because he's a "demon" it confuses him because he believes himself not to be one.

"I don't get it, why does everyone think I'm a demon? Even my own boyfriend...He probably doesn't love me anymore so what's the point..?" Muzan started hugging his knees while tears formed in the corner of his eyes. (the tear duct.) He wishes that he had never stumbled upon Yoriichi and Michikatsu that day. He can't belive that one thing made him lose the only person he can trust, the only person who he can talk to here.

He wiped the tears forming in his eyes. Nothing so pathetic like that could make him cry. He's tierd of being the one everyone could blame for stuff he was tierd of EVERYONE.

One to heart, one to another. Making one feel like nothing is an easy task, bur when the embrace themselves being an outcast, they'll make a change that will outlast.

--- Inkastarza

Ps: Muzans turning emo in the next part. :D

Lu Lu Moon-Demon slayer-Mixed au, KokuzanWhere stories live. Discover now