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Learn a little more about the characters!

Ume and Gyutaro:

Ume got burned on her shoulder when Gyutaro and Ume where involved in a fire that was set by a fight with a demon and a slayer, but luckily Douma found Gyutaro and Ume in time and introduced them to the black catsle.

Both of them have a matching word on their katanas that say

"A sibling will never go away"

When they put their katanas together the word completes itself.


Inosuke and Zenitsu:

Inosukes past was altered a lot, Zenitsus remains the same.

Inosuke was pushed out of Kotcha's hands by his father at 2. After awhile Zenitsu found him while being 10, they became friends and later demon slayers.

Inosuke still has his beast breathing.
After he was abandoned Inosuke was found by his boar family and was taken care of, eventually his boar mother died and he was now alone again until Zenitsu found him and took him in. Then Zenitsu tried teaching him thunder breathing, but Inosuke said he wanted to base it off of somthing else so he made up beast breathing.

(This Part isn't canon to the story)

Omg there's Kokuzan smut under here!!!
(I was having a stroke writing this 😭🤚)

"All the training is finally done now... I wonder what Michikatsu is doing..."

Muzan thought to himself before deciding to visit Michikatsu in his room.

Muzan walked for a little before reaching his room. He knocked on the door softly waiting for Michikatsu to answer.

Once Michikatsu opened the door, Muzan freaked out, he had nothing on but his pants, plus his pants were unbuttoned.

"Oh? Muzan what are you doing here hm?" Michikatsu asked him slightly confused.

Muzan was trying really hard to move his eyes away from Michikatsu's unbuttoned pants but he was unable to.

"I-I-I....just wanted to check up on you...That's all...." Muzan said nervously.

"Eh? Come on..... Why would you do that? You had to have wanted something, I know you wouldn't just 'check up' on anyone without reasoning."

Michikatsu grabbed Muzan by the small of his waist and threw him over his shoulders like a potato sack.

"W-what are you doing.....?" Muzan asked.

Michikatsu smiled softly at him then placed Muzan on his bed gently.

"Now, I'm going to ask again, what is it that you need?" Michikatsu asked.

"I swear I only came here to check up on you Moon...." Muzan said softly

"Mmn....okay I believe you Mu" Michikatsu said as he kissed Muzan on the lips lightly.

"Can I sleep in your room Moon?"
Muzan asked him.

"Hm, sure dear...You're welcome to that anytime..." Michikatsu said as he got onto the bed.

Michikatsu gripped Muzans waist and placed him on top of him.

"Goodnight Mu..." Michikatsu whispered.

"Wait Michikatsu..."
Muzan halted.

"Want something dear?" Michikatsu asked while rubbing Muzans back in a soothing rhythm.

".....Can we have sex?" Muzan whispered lowly.

"What?! Muzan, I would hate to decline you, but are you sure Moonlight?"
Michikatsu asked in a concerned tone.

"Mhm....I'm sure...Michi"
Muzan said softly.

"Well....okay then." Michikatsu leaned up on the bed and took his pants off revealing his long and thick shaft.

Muzan blushed intensely. " many inches are you..." Muzan asked nervously and with curiosity.

"How many inches am i?....Well I don't really know, I never took the time to measure my cock Moonlight...But if I were to guess...I'm pretty sure I'm around 13.7 inches while soft." Michikatsu told Muzan softly

"13.7 while soft?! I...." Muzan looked at him shocked.

"Mn...Are you sure you can take it Mu?" Michikatsu asked him while stroking Muzans thigh.

"Pssh! I can take it!" Muzan insisted that he could take him while looking at him with a persistent face.

"Whatever.."Michikatsu said before pulling Muzans head down onto his cock, roughly handling him.

Muzan start bobbing his head up and down Michikatsus cock while looking up at him to see if he was enjoying it, which Michikatsu was.

"Mmn...M-Michi..." Muzan mumbled softly as he continued sucking Michikatsus cock.

Muzan stared gagging the more he stuffed his face with Michikatsus shaft.

Michikatsu continues thrusting into Muzans mouth with a tremendous amount of force.

"You asked for this." Michikatsu said to Muzan while petting his head.

"Mmn..." Muzan murmured a little as he sucked on Michikatsu.

Muzan swirled his tongue around the tip of Michikatsus cock.

"Ngh.....Muzan...I think I'm going to..." Michikatsu grunted as he roughly grabbed Muzans head moving it up and down on his cock.

"Mmn..." Muzan stared gagging and choking the more Michikatsu forced him down.

"Oh God! Fuck I'm cumming!" Michikatsu panted.

Soon enough Michikatsu ejaculated into Muzans mouth. Filling it up to the brim.

Muzan swallowed Michikatsu's thick cum, which granted Muzan a perverted look from Michikatsu.


End. I was going to write more but this is my first time writing smut so I won't drag it on longer then it needs to be. 😭

------Concept art 😼 (Lazy af)

------Concept art 😼 (Lazy af)

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--- Inkastarza. <3

Lu Lu Moon-Demon slayer-Mixed au, KokuzanWhere stories live. Discover now