𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔.

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𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐅-𝐀𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏 𝐀𝐒 you made your way through the school corridors. the weekend went by way too fast for your liking and you honestly just wanted to crawl back into your bed.

in your sleepy state you barely noticed where you were going and collided into a firm chest. "sorry-" you said quickly, looking up in order to see who you bumped into. "oh hey."

semi looked down at you. "hey, you alright?" he said as he rested his hand on your shoulder.

"exhausted, might take a nap in whatever class i have first." you said, covering your mouth to yawn.

"if you take another nap in history, the teacher will probably pry your eyes open with his bare hands." you looked up at him sceptically.

"how do you know i- oh shit wait you're in my class."

"nice to know i'm memorable." semi said as he rolled his eyes playfully. "come on, let's walk there together." you gave him a nod, happily walking beside him.

you slid the classroom door open, and you suddenly heard a few whispers. "wait did they walk together?" you heard someone mutter to their friend curiously. "they look good together." another said.

you shook off the comments from your classmates and took your usual spot at the back of the class. as soon as you sat down, your head fell onto the desk. who the hell needed history anyways? as you were about to drift into a peaceful sleep, there was a loud slap on the desk, making your entire body jolt.

everyone in the class was staring at you now, as your teacher was holding a textbook - the one he'd just slammed down onto your desk. "miss l/n, i've noticed you tend to doze off a lot of the time in my class. do i need to put someone beside you to make sure you aren't sleeping when you should be working?" he didn't give you a chance to answer, he just scanned the room with his narrow eyes.

you saw an arm slowly rise, your eyes widening when you saw it belonged to semi. your teacher squinted his eyes at the ash blonde boy before nodding. "semi, as you've volunteered, please move next to miss l/n and keep her focused." you saw semi nod, as he packed up all his stuff and slipped into the seat beside you.

the teacher walked back up to the front of the class. "guess we're seat buddies now." he said, glancing over to you. you gave him a small smile.

"i guess so. i'll still going to sleep though." semi lightly hit you on the head.

"at least try to stay awake for a few minutes."

your teacher quickly caught the attention of the class my slamming a ruler on the chalkboard. "i want everyone in the class to get into pairs and analyse the extracts i've handed out to you." you peered down at the paper on your desk, almost gawking as you saw the pages upon pages of paper. "i understand its a large extract, which is why i'm allowing you to pair up. go. do your work."

"this isn't an extract it's a fucking novel.." you muttered causing semi to let out a small chuckle.

"want to be partners?" he asked. you nodded, and turned yourself slightly in the chair to face his body. your eyes were glued onto the extract, until you felt someone looking at you. you looked up, meeting eyes with semi for a split second before he looked down.

𝐭𝐢𝐩 𝐭𝐨𝐞 ➤ 𝐞.𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐢Where stories live. Discover now