𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕.

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the weather forecast had predicted rain, but you assumed you'd be fine. it couldn't rain that much - plus and umbrella was an effort to carry. you were sat on the grass in the school courtyard with himari, aika and kimiko.

once again, misako wasn't seen anywhere.

you weren't close with her at all, but you couldn't help but worry about the girl. plus, aika and kimiko seemed worried about her too as much as they tried to hide it.

it started with a little drizzle, and then a small droplet landed on your head. you looked up to see the droplets of rain getting heavier and heavier. "oh shit." you heard kimiko say. "anyone bring an umbrella?" the rain was getting heavier now, as you all quickly packed up your things and held your bags close to prevent them getting soaked.

you had forgotten your blazer today, so you were currently only in your white shirt so you didn't exactly want to get too wet. "no. who wants to make a run for it?" you asked. all the girls agreed, and the four of you began running towards the nearest entrance of the school.

your hair was soaked already and so was your shirt. you held your bag to your chest, hoping to cover the shirt that was now going slightly see through and revealing a small part of your bra. whilst running you cursed yourself for not bringing and umbrella and forgetting your blazer.

himari ran ahead slightly, pulling the door open and holding it so you could all run in. you didn't take any care of the group of people you ran past - you just leant against the wall with the girls by your side to catch your breath.

"i think i might start carrying an umbrella on me all the time." you stated, hearing a hum of agreement from all the girls.

"you forgot again?" you heard a familiar voice laugh. you looked up to semi covering with a small smile on his face, standing beside reon, ushijima and tendou.

you rolled your eyes at him, giving him a playful smile. the boys were leant against the opposite wall meaning they must've been the group of people you ran past whilst entering. himari almost immediately ran up to reon, who gave her a wide smile.

you saw aika and kimiko conversing with ushijima and tendou. you didn't even realise they were friends. just then, someone ran into you, causing your bag to slip out of your hands. "sorry!" the person shouted, and you looked up to see a random first year running through the halls.

you took a second to recollect yourself and when you looked up again, you noticed how semi's head was turned away from you. he quickly bent down and grabbed something from his bag, then took a hold of your wrist gently and began pulling you through the halls.

"what's wrong?" you asked him, looking up at his face and noticing how his cheeks were dusted pink.

"your shirt." he murmured, barely audible. you looked down and your eyes widened. you had completely forgotten the rain had soaked through your white shirt. you quickly covered your chest with your free hand, looking down at the ground in pure embarrassment. semi eita had just technically seen you in your bra. you wanted to die.

the ash blonde was still turned away, and stopped walking when they were just outside the girl's bathrooms. he thrusted whatever was in his hand into yours. "go change into this. it's all i have at the moment, sorry.."

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