𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐.

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"𝐔𝐆𝐇 𝐈 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐇𝐈𝐌!" 𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐈 pouted as the two of you were eating lunch together. aika had student council meetings and kimiko was ill today, so it was just the two of you. himari was currently crying because she hadn't been able to see her boyfriend as much this past week.

the volleyball boys had their tournament coming up soon and they all spent more time training. the coach had also refused to let anyone sit in on practice in case any of the players got distracted whilst they were practicing.

your phone went off, as you looked at the alarm notification. "oh fuck, i forgot me and that second year rearranged our tutoring session." you rolled your eyes and sighed.

"is it right now?" himari asked and you reluctantly nodded.

"it's only for like twenty minutes but i'm feeling too sluggish." you sighed again before heading your body up. "want to come with me and just hang around the library?" himari nodded and quickly stood up beside you.

usually you and shirabu had tutoring sessions every monday, but the boy pulled you aside in the corridor and said he wasn't free - so the two of you rearranged to friday. which was unfortunately today.

you made it to the library and himari split off from you to scan the shelves for a book to occupy her time with.

you saw the boy and sat beside him. "hey, sorry i'm a bit late. what do you want to work on today?" at the sound of your voice shirabu perked up. he looked at you for a moment before everting his eyes.

"math." he simply said, pulling out a worksheet your guessing his teacher gave him.

"alright. how about you give it a go, and i'll be here to help if you need." the boy nodded before looking down at the paper.

he filled it in within ten minutes and didn't need your help once.

you scanned over the paper. "you got everything right." you said, nodding at him before your smile faltered. "shirabu, may i ask why you keep requesting these sessions?" the boy's eyes widened and his cheeks went slightly red. "it's just, you're a smart kid. you don't need me to help you either anything. surely you'd rather spend your time with your friends."

"do you have better things to do?" he spoke hesitantly. "like, a..boyfriend. or something?" his voice faded off.

"no of course not. i volunteered to be a tutor to help people like you. but you don't need my help."

shirabu began fiddling with his hands and his face flushed. "i just like seeing you." you weren't sure how to respond to that. you just nodded.

"twenty minutes is up, you can go." the boy nodded and grabbed his bag, heading out the library quickly.

"strange kid." you murmured, picking up your own bag and looking round for himari. the girl bounded towards you once she saw shirabu leave.

"hey! i texted reon because they were on a small break, he's going to ask the guys if they want to have a movie night." you smiled at the idea, you hadn't seen any of them in a few days.

"who's house?" you asked.

"i think he said semi can host?" she said, checking her phone to be sure. "yeah! he can host."

𝐭𝐢𝐩 𝐭𝐨𝐞 ➤ 𝐞.𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐢Where stories live. Discover now