𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟒.

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𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐀𝐁𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐃𝐋𝐘 𝐊𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐒 back and forth, resting against the back of the bench your were sat on. a pout creeped onto your lips as you stared at the gym building. you could hear the harsh sound of volleyballs smacking against the floor, but the coach had forbid anyone other than the players to go in.

he wanted them to be practicing to their best of their abilities, and he claimed that a few people could serve as distracting.

you understood how important the tournament was - it would decide who would go to nationals. but semi had been busy with practice so the two of you hadn't been able to speak as much the past two weeks.

you sighed, your friends all turning to you.

"you're sulking." aika stated, kimiko and himari nodded.

"what? i am not sulking." you firmly said, but another sigh escaped your lips. "okay, maybe a little."

"you miss your little boyfriend?" kimiko teased and your face went bright red.

"semi is not my boyfriend!"

"yet he was the one you immediately thought of." himari joined in the teasing. the three girls all smirked at you.

"it's just weird with him not around."

"you're fucking whipped y/n." aika laughed. you ran your tongue over your top teeth as you rolled your eyes.

"maybe a little." you confessed, and your friends laughed even louder.

"you guys just need to get together already. he's obviously head over heels for you too." the idea of you and semi getting together. being in a relationship. it made your entire body feel warm.

"you guys think so?" you hadn't confessed your feelings out loud yet. to anyone. not even to yourself.

"absolutely. whenever we hang out his eyes are always on you." himari patted your knee. a small smile crept onto your lips.

"i'll tell him. after the tournament."

"YEAH!" aika yelled, causing other students hanging around the area to give her looks of concern.


semi's game was on point. every ball was set with perfect accuracy and his serves were also looking great. he was perfectly in the zone.

"so how are you and y/n?" he heard tendou say in his ear. the boy froze, barely acknowledging the ball that fell from the air into his face.

"semi, you're meant to set the ball. not eat it." ushijima stated.

"i know that!" the ash blonde yelled to the ace. he shook his head, trying to ignore tendou's question.

"semi-semi, you seem a little flustered." the red head hooked an arm around semi's shoulder. "is it because you're in l-o-v-e." he spoke out each letter of the word individually.

semi sighed, a small smile creeping onto his lips.

"come on semi." reon approached the two. "just admit you're whipped for her."

"of course i am." he breathed out. "she's fucking perfect." tendou and reon exchanged a look before both smirking.

"so when are you gonna tell her?"

the boy took a deep breath. "she might not even like me back. what if i mess things up?"

"i personally think she returns your feelings." ushijima placed his hand on semi's shoulder. "man up."

"stop chatting over there! coach is getting annoyed." shirabu grumbled from the other side of the net, venom lacing his voice.

"you're just jealous because you also have a little crush on her, shirabu!" tendou stuck his tongue out at the second year.

"h-how'd you know that?" the brunette boy's cheeks flushed the same colour as tendou's hair.

"wait? you actually do?" tendou's jaw slacked slightly. "i was just joking, i didn't think you actually-"

"of course i do!" shirabu flailed his arms around. "i don't need her to tutor me, i know the content. i just want to be around her."

semi clicked his tongue as his jaw clenched.

"what, you jealous, semi-semi?" shirabu spat, the nickname only making semi more pissed.

"why would i be jealous when im way closer to her than you'll ever be." he raised his brows, a tight-lipped smile forming on his face. the smile slipped into a smirk as he decided to push the second year's buttons even more. "in more ways than one."

shirabu's eyes widened, before they sharpened as he glared at the third year setter.

"what's going on here? i'm not seeing much volleyball going on." the coaches voice rang through the halls, sending a small shiver up everyone's spines - even ushijima's. "get back to practicing."

"yes sir." all the boys groaned, already feeling the exhaustion of training weighing them down.

"if you guys play well this next match, i'll let your little friends in to see you during your break." his comment was mainly aimed at the third years, all of their eyes lighting up.


you saw a certain red head running up to you and the girls. he was sweating, most likely after practicing and running across the courtyard just now. "coach says you guys can come in for a little bit!"

your eyes lit up, and you didn't even try hide it. you and the girls ran over to the gym, a soft smile creeping onto your lips when your eyes landed on semi. he covered his mouth to yawn before turning his eyes over to the group of people at the door. his lips tilted up as he saw you.

you went to sit on the bleachers, all your friends following you. semi sat close beside you.

"how's practice going?" you asked him.

"much better now you're here." he winked playfully. you rolled your eyes, letting out a light chuckle when you saw him yawn again.

"you sleepy?"


you felt a slight spur of confidence flow through you before you patted your lap. "rest for a bit." semi's eyes drifted down to your lap, admiring your thighs for a moment before looking back up to you.

"y/n, are you flirting with me?" he smirked.

"shut up before i change i mind."

"yes ma'am." without anymore hesitation, semi laid down, resting his head in your lap. your hand brushed through his hair gently. the boy looked up at you with soft eyes before he closed them, melting into your warmth.

"it's so obvious they like each other." kimiko murmured to the others as they watched the scene play out. they all hummed in agreement.

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𝐭𝐢𝐩 𝐭𝐨𝐞 ➤ 𝐞.𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐢Where stories live. Discover now