03 • '#purinz'

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Yunjin woke up to Chaewon still sleeping soundly on top of her. The memory of the day before made her bite back a smile. She slowly shimmied out of Chaewon's grasp, earning a murmur from the sleeping girl. Miraculously, she didn't wake up from the movement. Then again, Chaewon could easily sleep through anything. Yunjin would have to save her from a fire if there ever was one.

The redhead found the nearest blanket, and carefully draped it around the small girl. She looked adorable.

Walking into the small hotel kitchen, Yunjin stretched her aching back.

"Slept on the couch?" A voice made her jump ten feet in the air.

"Christ, Zuha!" The girl cussed breathlessly. Kazuha cupped her hand over mouth in order not to laugh too hard.

"You should've– hic– seen your face!" She giggled relentlessly. Yunjin pushed her softly by her shoulder.

"Chaewon didn't want to migrate from the couch." The redhead explained with a bashful smile. She had kind of been hoping she'd be the first to wake up, knowing the members wouldn't let her live it down.

"If you didn't have a boyfriend I'd think you two were in cahoots." The japanese girl hummed nonchalantly, continuing to slice an orange.

Yunjin's eyes grew wide. "She's my best friend!" She whisper-yelled. Kazuha shrugged in return. "You never know." She smirked.

Just as Yunjin was about to start bickering with the girl, a drowsy Chaewon entered the kitchen with her blanket hugged tightly around her body. Her hair was a mess, and her clothes were creased, but hell, she looked as pretty as ever.

"What's all the fuss about?" The short girl yawned, effortlessly stealing an orange slice from Kazuha.

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you up." The dark haired girl apologetically handed her a few move slices. Chaewon shrugged and stretched, exposing her lower stomach.

"Had to wake up eventually." She hummed, stuffing the oranges in her mouth.

"Slow down there, Chaewonnie." Yunjin let out an airy laugh, moving over to pinch the girl's cheek. Chaewon pretended to fight her off, not minding the touch.

"Mini fan meet at 12, down by the hotel's entrance. Make yourselves presentable, we've got an hour." Sakura joined the bunch, Eunchae latched onto her side. By the looks of it, Sakura had done the young girl's makeup for her: and she did a good job.

Yunjin groaned, slumping towards her room, where she had dropped all her things but miraculously hadn't slept.

"You should get changed too. And brush your hair. Did you sleep–"

Chaewon groaned before Sakura could finish speaking, stomping off into her room.

"Why's she cranky? Did she sleep on the couch?" Sakura asked, looking at Kazuha.

"And Yunjin." The dark haired girl wiggled her eyebrows.

"Don't do that." Eunchae cringed.

One fashion epiphany later, Yunjin emerged from her room in a white, cropped blouse and over the top jeans with all sorts of patterns. The whole group matched clothes for the shoot they'd have that day.

It was their last day in Busan. They'd be going home to Seoul in the late afternoon, and Karina's party was the day after.

Karina had texted Yunjin twice last night, making sure she wouldn't forget about it. And how could she? Everyone she'd ever met would be at the party. Karina kept going on about the venue she'd rented for it.

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