06 • unspoken

742 35 5

Chaewon stirred in her sheets, the rough smell of alcohol intruding her nose. As soon as she slowly opened her eyes, her head started to throb. She groaned, facing away from her open blinds in an unsuccessful attempt to stop the pain.

She blinked a few times when she saw another person laying in her bed next to her.

Panic started to set in as she stared at the blonde, recognising her as Winter immediately. Her blood ran cold.

They didn't...?

Chaewon swiftly lifted up her sheets to peek under them. She exhaled loudly, relief taking over and warmth returning to her cheeks. She was still clothed. She silently thanked the gods for not being a homewrecker.

The small girl stretched, ignoring her aching joints when she got out of bed. She was still wearing last night's clothes, which reeked of sweat and alcohol. She figured Winter was the one who brought her home– there was really no other viable explanation for her being there.

She quickly and silently gathered an oversized shirt and sweatpants, careful not to wake the other up, and disappeared into the shower.

One painfully long shower later (where Chaewon tried her hardest to recall last night's events, but she couldn't remember past calling Minju), the blonde threw on her clothes, brushed her teeth and continued to make a silent exit.

It was in the early morning: Chaewon never slept well when she had alcohol. She never really slept well in general, either. Except for when she was hugging a giant teddy bear named Huh Yunjin.

As she silently closed her door, she could hear Sakura's snoring. Only it wasn't from the usual room next to hers.

Arching her eyebrows, she pressed her ear against Kazuha's bedroom door. She knew she shouldn't be so nosy, but the evidence was right in front of her nose. How could she not indulge?

And sure enough, Kazuha's room was the source of Sakura's loud snores. Chaewon smirked, thinking of the events that must've led them there.

She shouldn't make any assumptions, though.

The blonde tiptoed to the kitchen, raiding the fridge for some leftover Gimbap. She got her phone out, and cringed when she had about a million missed calls from Yunjin and ten from Minju. Then there was some gibberish from Kazuha that she couldn't quite make out.

Missed messages

Minju: Wonnie? Lost you in the crowd.
Minju: Pick up the phone?
Minju: Are you okay?

Chaewon put her Gimbap down and exhaled loudly, brushing her hand through her hair.

Chae: Sorry, lost track of you last night and too drunk to text!
Chae: Make it up to you some other time?

The blonde stared at her plate. Her mouth parted a little when she repeated those texts in her mind. Did she...?

She looked back at her phone to look at Yunjin's messages.

Missed messages

Jinnie<3: wherare you? i'm sory
Jinnie<3: yousafe?
Jinnie<3: heard wintr brought yuo homr, love you

She was sorry?

Chaewon put her phone down.
She remembered calling Minju...
Who showed up...
And they kissed...
And then there was Yunjin...
They were both  upset...

"You look horrified."

Chaewon's head snapped towards Winter, who had borrowed some of her clothes.

"I danced with Yunjin." Chaewon blurted out, eyes wide.

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