17 • going away [M]

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Chapter contains mature content.

"Can't you just stay?" Yunjin sighed, doing everything in her power to stop Chaewon from packing. She was currently sitting on top of the girl's suitcase, refusing to move. The blonde had tried tugging her off many times, but it was as if the girl was nailed to the ground (which Chaewon could see her actually doing). 

They've been stuck in the studio for the entire week, recording their new song. Yesterday was the last day to record, and today was the day that Chaewon would leave. Yunjin had mentally cussed out their manager in every language she knew.

"Jin, I need to pack. I can't tell whether you want me to stay or leave without underwear." Chaewon crossed her arms, looking down at the redhead.

"I want you to stay without underwear." The girl bit back a smirk.

"Ha-ha. Come on, Yunjin." Chaewon motioned for her to get off her suitcase. With a sigh and some incoherent mumbling, Yunjin complied. She moved to sit on Chaewon's bed instead, dragging her feet.

"They could also just film the MV in Korea. It's so stupid." The redhead complained, watching Chaewon pull clothes from her closet.

The blonde shrugged. "I've been away before, you'll manage." She said, even though she knew that she'd be missing the redhead terribly. She always did.

It's been a while since they've been apart, and Chaewon despised the thought of not waking up in Yunjin's arms with her big, brown eyes lovingly staring down at her. She'd miss her banter, their bickering, Yunjin's dad jokes that never failed to make her laugh.

Yunjin let herself fall flat against the bed, staring up at the ceiling as her legs dangled over the side. "I don't know, Chae. I just don't like the idea of you being so far away. What if something happens?"

Chaewon glanced over her shoulder. "I'll be fine, I can take care of myself. I'm more worried about what you'll be up to without me watching over you," She chuckled.

The redhead lifted her head slightly, shooting the other a glare. "You're lucky I'm so sad about you going away, or I'd say something real mean."

"Is that so?" Chaewon grinned, walking towards the redhead. "You couldn't be mean to me if you tried. You like me too much."

Her knees leaned against Yunjin's as she bent forward, towering over the girl. She placed her hands on either side of the girl's head to steady herself.

"I like you the normal amount." The redhead deadpanned. Her eyes told a whole different story, staring intensely at the blonde above her. Chaewon simply stared back as she inched closer to the girl's face. She stopped right before their lips could touch, making Yunjin yearn for more.

"Guess I shouldn't kiss you, then," Chaewon hummed, trailing one hand down the girl's shirt. "Or touch you."

Yunjin swallowed, her face noticeably red. The blonde hooked her finger under the fabric, slipping her hand under. She slid her hand across the girl's toned stomach, making Yunjin tense up under her. A soft sigh left her lips as Chaewon stopped moving, resting her hand right under her breast.

"So what'll it be?"

Chaewon's voice rang through the redhead's ears. They both knew perfectly well what Yunjin's answer would be: no one could make her fold like Kim Chaewon did.

The girl placed her hand on the small of Chaewon's neck, roughly pulling her close and connecting their lips. Their kiss was wild and sloppy, with Yunjin applying pressure to the blonde's throat with her thumb. Chaewon lightly bit down on the redhead's upper lip. She placed her hand a little higher, feeling the fabric of Yunjin's laced bra. She dragged her finger over the stiffened middle, earning a hum from the girl.

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