09 • situationship [SM]

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Chaewon felt her cheeks burn up. The way Yunjin said her name tugged at her heartstrings and made her stomach do flips.

"You're all red from running." Yunjin chuckled, finally closing the distance between them and snaking her arms around Chaewon's waist. It sent pin pricks all over her skin.

The small girl felt her heart beat in her chest as she looked up at Yunjin's big eyes. If she hadn't had four glasses of wine, she would never think to run into a corner. But here she was, getting herself wedged between the stone wall and Huh Yunjin. Her legs felt like jelly as the redhead forced her back straight against the wall, probably unaware of the way she leaned on Chaewon. Why did she get herself into this?

Not knowing what possessed her, Chaewon loosely placed her arms around Yunjin's neck. She didn't know what to do with herself, and she tried everything in her power not to think about how close they were. But as she felt the brush of Yunjin's leg against her skin, she felt like she could pass away right there and then.

Yunjin parted her lips slightly, searching for words to say. Chaewon was internally begging her to speak up, or to push her away. She wanted to know what Yunjin thought of her, if there was any chance of her feeling the same way. No more mixed signals, no more boyfriends, no more jealousy. Chaewon needed to know if it could just be them.

"Jin?" Chaewon asked softly when Yunjin's eyes stayed pinned on her. "What are you...?"

Yunjin quickly looked all around her. "No cameras." She concluded.

The small girl under her felt her heart pause. Either Yunjin was going to create a murder scene, or she had other things in mind. Chaewon gulped, not knowing whether the gnawing feelings in her insides were good or bad.

The taller girl's hand slowly trailed down Chaewon's side until she could feel Yunjin's fingertips slide against her skin. She moved her hand up a little, under the hem of the older girl's skirt. Her dark eyes never left Chaewon's.

"How much wine have you had?" The blonde's voice was faint.

Yunjin leaned forward, her soft lips brushing against Chaewon's ear. The small girl didn't know whether to be grateful for the loss of eye contact or to cuss herself out for thinking about how kissable those lips were.

"More than you," Yunjin whispered into the other's ear, drawing shapes on Chaewon's upper thigh with her sharp nails. The girl felt like she would melt under Yunjin's touch.

Chaewon bit her lip.

"Should I stop?" Yunjin murmured against her neck. Chaewon hated herself for wanting to say anything but no. But as she felt the redhead's hot breath on her skin, her mind went blank.

"I didn't say that." Chaewon mustered.

Her skin tickled as Yunjin's lips wrapped around it, making Chaewon tilt her head to allow the other more access. Yunjin kissed Chaewon's tender skin, sending sparks through the small girl's entire body.

"Jin..." The small exhaled, feeling the other grip her thigh.

It was all happening so fast. Yunjin's teeth dragged along the skin she was painting bright red; Chaewon knew her fair skin would have marks the next day.

The hand that was glued on Chaewon's side shifted upwards, resting just under her breast. The small girl's nails dug into the back of Yunjin's neck.

She didn't know how much more she could take.

Chaewon moved her legs forward a little, her back remaining against the wall. Yunjin paused, making the other miss the heat of her mouth on her skin. Then she shifted her knee between Chaewon's slim legs.

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