22 • first stop: NYC

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"That's what I'm saying! Korea doesn't compare to this, sorry not sorry," Yunjin spoke with a mouthful of pizza. She pointed at Kazuha, who nodded in agreement. "See, even Zuha gets it."

Sakura took a sip of her cola. "Okay, I'll give you points for the pizza, but the rest is lacking. I prefer the food at home. I mean, these fries are salt bombs."

"As if we don't salt them at home," The redhead narrowed her eyes at the Japanese girl.

Sakura shook her head. "Not nearly as much as this!"

While Yunjin was distracted by Sakura, Chaewon snuck a slice of pizza off the redhead's plate. Eunchae giggled at her, which caused Yunjin to look in her direction. "I told you to order the same pizza!" She sighed, throwing her arms in the air. "You guys are infuriating."

"I think you meant that you love us and that your girlfriend deserves some of your pizza," Chaewon innocently looked at the blonde– who simply couldn't refuse those gorgeous brown eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." She gave in.

"Tsk tsk, no backbone, that one." Kazuha hummed.

"Can I have a bite of yours?" Sakura asked.

"Yeah, of course, go ahead."

"Hypocrite." Yunjin sighed.

It was their second day in New York. Last time they went, Chaewon couldn't be there; so she was ecstatic to finally experience it with the girls. They walked through the street, Eunchae with her arms around Kazuha and Sakura's shoulders, and Yunjin and Chaewon walking hand in hand with Shiro by their side. She knew it was sappy and cliche, but there was nothing the blonde loves more than holding her girlfriend's hand: the way they fit together perfectly, and Yunjin's thumb brushed across her skin never failed to make her feel all happy and giddy.

The lanterns illuminated the path they walked along. The girls insisted on going to Central Park, even though it was incredibly late. The water reflected the stars in the sky beautifully. The scenery made Chaewon feel hopeful; if all the burning stars in the sky thrived, then surely so would they.

At night, the park almost seemed abandoned. There were a few passers-by every now and then, but nothing like the crowds during the day. It felt good, not being followed around; they loved their fans, but all the pictures and little to no privacy got exhausting at times. This was their moment of peace, to just be themselves; like a breath of fresh air that was much needed. And even though the cold air wrapped tightly around their warm bodies, they didn't mind. All they needed was each other.

Yunjin hummed as they walked, swinging their hands along with the tune. It was a song Chaewon wasn't familiar with, which made her look at the redhead as she hummed. Her eyes were half closed, and her sound as smooth as velvet. The blonde couldn't help but appreciate her beauty in the dim lights of the lanterns.

"What are you singing?" Chaewon asked, tilting her head slightly. Usually she knew all about Yunjin's favourite songs: they always listened to music together, or made up silly little songs, or had them forgotten in the background as they were busy with other things.

Yunjin looked up at her girlfriend, a smile curving up on her lips. "I'm not gonna tell you," She sang. Chaewon narrowed her eyes in return. "You tell me everything." She stated.

"This one's a secret."

"No, it's not."

"It's just a song," Eunchae interjected. "Bet it's a stupid one, knowing Yun."

"Hey!" Yunjin spun around to look the younger girl in the eyes. "I listen to great songs, mind you!"

"Most of them are, like, questionable." Eunchae objected. She moved her arms off of her unnies' shoulders, crossing them instead.

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