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There were three things that Kim Chaewon loved the most:

Her girlfriend Huh Yunjin, her dog Shiro and the beach.

So, when Giselle suggested going to the Maizuru beach after their live stage, Chaewon jumped about ten feet in the air out of excitement. They were situated in the changing room of the studio, and the blonde's makeup artists cussed her out and told her to sit still– which the small girl found impossible to do.

"I heard that Sunoo and Jay are doing a live stage as well. Think we should ask them to join?" Ningning asked, staring at her stylist working on her hair in the mirror.

"I literally saw Jungwon pass us, I'm not even kidding," Giselle said, shifting in her seat to look at Ningning. "Think the whole group came to Japan?"

Ningning shook her head. "No way, they're doing promotions in Korea, remember?"

Chaewon leaned back slightly, attentively listening to the others.

"Oh, right. Jimin, what do you think?" Giselle looked at Karina for an answer.

"Might as well ask them. I can tell Ningning really wants to," The girl wiggled her eyebrows at the youngest.

"Only because Yunjin still hasn't introduced me to Beomgyu." Ningning shrugged.

"I didn't pack towels. Can we swing by a shop later?" Chaewon asked as her makeup artist powdered her face. She coughed after inhaling some of it.

"Oh yeah, I'm out of sunscreen anyway, so I've got– Min, you've got a little something there." Karina leaned over to the vanity next to her, dusting some crumbs off Winter's shoulder. The girl just bashfully chuckled, trying to find any other stray crumbs on her clothing.

"Up in ten! Time to round up." The group's manager called. Chaewon started to wonder where hers was.

The blonde glanced down at her phone, which sat neatly on the vanity.

Sakuchan: I have a surprise for you. You'll see in an hour!

Sakuchan: Unless your show lasts longer. Love you, you'll do great!

What followed her texts were a string of kissy emojis. Chaewon chuckled, wondering what this 'surprise' was.

"You're good to go." Chaewon's makeup artists tapped on her shoulder, smiling encouragingly at her.

The blonde looked in the mirror, inspecting the details of the glitters painting her face. She could do this.

"Thank you," She bowed when she got up. The girl joined the others at the exit of the room, sucking in a deep breath.

The lights were blinding, and the studio felt incredibly hot. The audience was cheering loudly, which made Chaewon incredibly grateful to have her noise cancelling ear pieces in. She held her microphone firmly in her hand as she smiled at the camera. Always smile at the camera.

The camera panned to Karina as the music started. She bobbed her head to the beat, smiling wildly. Then she brought the microphone to her lips, her voice as smooth as velvet as she started the song.

The audience was paying attention, as was Chaewon. You can do this, she repeated to herself. The stool's cushion clung to her skin.

Then it was Giselle's part.

You can do this.

Chaewon looked into the audience, who were waving lightsticks and singing along. They looked happy and excited. The blonde brought her microphone up, ready for her part. She didn't know why she felt particularly nervous today: she'd been on stage a million times before. She was with her friends, although not her members. Her members who relied on her to do this right.

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