Ojiro's villain arc

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"This is going to be so much fun ! A Halloween costume party !" I made happy Mable noises. "Why are you guys going to have a Halloween costume party at this time of year. Nowhere near Halloween." Katsuki judged. "We couldn't find a Halloween store in January so we had to wait but Todd and Mr. Peanut Butter didn't think about February and we got impatient so we just ordered off Amazon or made our own costumes. I'll be helping," Momo said.

"That doesn't answer my question." "Who are you guys being ? I'm going to be Eliza and Mina is going to be Angelica," Jiro shared. "I can be who I wanna be and sexy---" "Don't start w mean girls." Katsuki groaned. "Sexy Eleanor Roosevelt or sexy Joan of Arc," I sang. "I'm going to be a---" I heard a voice say but I went on "I can be a sexy doctor and cure some sexy cancer. That's not right is it?"

"I'm going to b--' "I'm going to be a witch !" Ururaka said. "Karen is the best mean girl," I said. "I said I'm going--" "I'm going to be invisible," Hitoshi said. " I'm going to be My Melody and Katsuki is going to be Kuromi. And that's modern feminism talking. I intend to run the world in shoes I cannot walk in," I shared.

"I swear if you make me wear a dress Mable I'm going to force you to be a piece of gum next year and I'm going to be platform shoes. You do the  math." Katsuki glared at me. "The lyric change for the new mean girls movie was so modern feminism talking. So do we like the new one or og?" I asked.

"I SAID BE QUIET," Ojiro yelled and stood. Everyone turned their head to look at him. "You guys never listen to me and I'm tired!" He shouted. "Do you need sleeping Aizawas sleeping bag or...." Denki scratched his head. "Ik high schoolers don't get nap time but you might need it." Sero nodded. "Or are you going to be Bakubro for Halloween ?" Kirishima asked.

"NO!" Ojiro cried. "He never knew what it meant what it meant to be content with...come guys Melanie Martinez reference !! Not the time? Alrighty..." I shrunk. Ojiro then pulled out a water gun. "All of you are going to submit to me !!" "Wait what's your name again?" Mina questioned.

"You aren't taking me seriously!!" "Yeah because you are holding a water gun." Katsuki said. "That's not nerf !! Come on man it's nerf or nothing !" Denki threw his hands up. "Anyway Mable no one is better than the original," Mina said, answering my question. "Do you take meds ?" Tsu asked Ojiro. "Shut up !! I'm going to bomb the school." "With what? Water balloons?" I laughed.

"Actually I initially thought of using the little balls you get at the dentist with that coin but hey." Ojiro shrugged. "So Mable babe I was thinking of next Halloween me and Jiro could be Vaggie and Charlie," Mina shared. "Oooo it's giving lesbian couple!"

A/N: I don't own any on the art btw. Can we talk abt how bad Ojiro's design is? That kid and his hair and his whole body is hard to look at. What's your fav part of the story so far ?

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