"FRED! GEORGE!" I snickered at the boy's names being called.

I'd been with mum the entire day, so I couldn't have pulled the prank that got the twins in trouble this time. The target this time had been Ginny; the two dunderheads that completed our set of triplets had offered me a place in this prank, but I didn't want to have to leave the Burrow with a potential Howler waiting for me at Hogwarts. It wouldn't make the best impression.

Charlie rushed down the stairs carrying his trunk, setting it down beside mine. "I won," I said, speaking up from the kitchen counter.

He stuck his tongue out at me childishly, which I copied, then he turned back, making to rush up the stairs once more. "I gotta help Percy with his trunk," He said, glancing at me behind his back.

"I didn't ask," I called.

"Don't care!" He replied.

I rolled my eyes, grinning as the twins almost bumped into our older brother. He let out a grunt of surprise when their trunks barreled into their stomach. "Sorry," The boys called behind them, returning my grin.

"Mum," I asked, pushing off the boy's shoulders on either side of me. "Are we going to see the Diggorys at the train station?"

"Yes, honey." Mum turned, going up the stairs, presumably to make sure Dad knew we'd be leaving. This time, since apparently the three of us were more than enough new kids going to Hogwarts, only me, Fred, George, Percy and Charlie would be going to the station.

George nudged me, his grin widening. "You just want to see Cedric, don't you."

I rolled my eyes. "Considering the fact that the other two Diggorys are adults, yes. He's our age, in case you forgot."

Fred nudged me, wiggling his eyebrows. "And you're sure it's nothing else?"

I rolled my eyes once more. They'd pop out if I kept rolling them, but considering the boys I associated with, I wouldn't stop any time soon.

I shoved past the two and grabbed a piece of toast, lathering it in a solid layer of marmalade. As soon as I finished up the bread and tied my hair up in a high ponytail. I stowed away my wand safely in my pocket.

Percy came down the stairs behind Charlie, his nose stuck up in the air pompously as always. "Roxanne, you must meet Penelope. Everyone has except for you."

"And they're the next door neighbors, aren't they?" I muttered, raising my voice so mum could hear it. "We're leaving now, aren't we?"

"Yes, dear." She glanced at Fred and George, narrowing her eyes slightly. "I will be sending you both a letter."

I covered my mouth to hide my giggle, the boys elbowing me in the ribs. Mum held out her arms and we grabbed her arms; she apparated us into an alleyway next to the train station.

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