I was going to make Fred, George and Lee pay for bringing the spider to Hogwarts. Lee had suggested the idea near the beginning of the summer, on the train back home. He was unsure about it at first, but after Fred and George had very vigorously convinced him as I was asleep. I would've murdered them for even trying if I'd been conscious.

I laid out the three alarm clocks dad let me borrow and set it for the next minute; the alarms were magically louder than the normal ones the Muggles sold. I'd previously laid out my uniform in the bathroom, and I rushed in as soon as I'd finished setting each of the alarm clocks.

I chuckled as I changed; I'd shower later. Just as I was brushing my hair, screams erupted from the other side of the locked bathroom door. I'd thought about the little wake-up ceremony and placed a silencing charm around Kenneth's bed so that he wouldn't be woken up unless it was physically. I'd prank Fred, George and Lee properly later, preferably with Cedric and Kenneth's help(it'd make it even more satisfying; neither of them ever helped with our pranks).

"Roxanne!" George finally yelled over the other two's voices. I had finished getting ready, so I casually strolled out of the bathroom. Fred, George and Lee didn't do well at this hour, or any hour before eight unless they'd pulled an all nighter partying.

I smirked at their messy hair and grumpy faces, thankful for the quiet that ensued after George yelled my name. "Figured I'd start on my payback for the struggle." I sent Fred and George a look, "Oh, hush up. I know you both persuaded him to do it, anyways."

"How come Kenneth hasn't woken up?" Lee exclaimed, looking infinitely grumpier after noticing the boy was still asleep.

I scoffed, grinning. "You've lost your touch, Lee. Silencing charm." I sauntered out of the room with a accomplished look on my face, which soon faded as I noticed the unusual amount of people in the common room.

Angelina greeted me at the bottom of the stairs, looking slightly grumpy. "Yes, we heard them. Dramatic idiots. Next time you decide to prank those three at this hour, do something that'll keep their reaction a bit quieter, will you?"

Alicia joined my other side. "Ange, what're you talking about? They're the most dramatic, sought after gits in Hogwarts. When someone tries to prank them and actually succeeds, they're going to be loud about it, at any hour."

"Yes, but," Angelina began, leaning forward a bit as we made our way to the Great Hall to see Alicia better. "I was just suggesting she do it at a time that wouldn't disturb our sleep." She directed the last bit of her words at me. "Not all of us wake up at this time."

I just smiled, quietly listening to their playful banter and occasionally jumping in with a clever remark. "Alright, girls." I began; we'd reached the Great Hall. "This is where I leave you, unfortunately."

"Can't you sit with us for once?" Angelina whined.

"You can break tradition for once, can't you?" Asked Alicia.

I shook my head stubbornly. "Nope," I said, popping the p. "No can do, girls. I'll sit with you two for lunch, how 'bout that?"

The girls groaned and turned on their heels towards the Gryffindor table, knowing there was no point in protesting. Whenever I had my mind set on something, I wouldn't budge. People were lucky that didn't happen often.


"Do you know the amount of people that have come up to me in the past fifteen minutes asking me to make you make Fred, George and Lee shut up?" Cedric asked as I sat down beside him. This was unusual; I was normally the one sitting at our regular spot waiting for him.

"Sorry," I apologized, though we both knew I didn't mean it. "I had to get them back for the stupid spider. This won't even be the end of it."

Cedric groaned. "I don't even want to talk about it. D'you remember the first time we met?" I nodded, slightly surprised at how quick he'd changed the subject. Cedric tilted his head thoughtfully, remembering. "It was the first time I'd seen you, of course, other than a few glanced of you with your family on the Daily Prophet. And I remember thinking... I'd never seen anything so perfect."

I laughed. "Ced, that was years ago! We were five! You could form those words at five?"

Cedric continued, giving no sign he'd heard me other than a playful poke in the ribs. "I remember thinking, I had to have you, or I'd die. Of course, my five year old brain thought it was just friendship, but we're older now, right? So... we're more mature, more aware of our feelings."

"Ced," I murmured, not sure what was coming.

Cedric finally turned to me, looking me in the eyes. His eyes were slightly wide, as if he'd just figured out the... feelings he was talking about. My breath caught when he finally spoke. "Roxanne, I think I love you."

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