Lee was bouncing on the balls of his feet, waving a piece of parchment around. My eyes widened and my gaze flicked to the writing desk; the drawer was open. He must've found the letter I'd wrote to Ginny... this was bad.

I flicked my wand and closed the door as well as sound-proofed the room. I didn't need anyone else finding out about this, and there was still a chance I could get Lee to not tell the whole school.

"Lee, what've you got there?"

Lee threw his head back, letting out a bark of laughter. "You like Cedric? And you've been able to keep it a secret from Fred and George?"

I pursed my lips. There really wasn't any other choice- Lee'd already seen the letter, and I couldn't exactly lie about it. He knew I wouldn't lie to Gin unless it was for her own good, and both admitting who my crush was and not wasn't exactly going to effect her safety.

Finally, I sighed. "Fine. I do. But mark my words, I'll hang you from your toenails as you watch Beatrice be tortured to death if anyone finds out about this and I didn't give you the say-so."

Lee's eyes widened, but then they turned to their normal size as his grin widened. "Fine. But I'm going to be your biggest wingman and when you two get together, you better give me credit."

I scoffed. "He doesn't like me back anyways. We won't be getting together anytime soon."


I'd gotten Cedric to help me with the prank this time. He claimed it was only because he wanted to get revenge on Lee for the train ride, but I knew he just wanted some fun, and an excuse to wake up the whole Gryffindor hour at 'the un-godly' hour.

"Alright, where does he keep Beatrice's box?" Cedric whispered once I let him into the dorm.

"Under his bed," I murmured. "He feeds her crickets every morning. Kenneth told me. Apparently Fred and George were freaked out about it, but they didn't want to admit it to me."

Cedric nodded, opening Lee's packet of dried crickets and letting some fall into the box. I didn't want to kill the creature just yet, it was too good of leverage on Lee. I could still threaten him plenty if she was alive.

"I'll take her to my dorm, then?" Cedric murmured to me after closing the box back up, picking it up and coming closer to me. I backed up slightly, biting my lip. I knew he'd never risk it, that he'd never let her out, but I couldn't take the risk.

"Yeah. Keep her under your bed, apparently that's where she's most comfortable. I'll set the alarms to be louder this time, hopefully they'll wake up more of the castle."

Cedric chuckled. "That'll be fun, won't it. Half the castle'll hate you."

I shrugged. "Sure. That's one way to put it... though I think I'm going to put one in the Slytherin common room, right in front of Malfoy's dorm."

Cedric simply grinned and headed out of the common room.


"Oh!" I exclaimed, startled. "Adrian! You wake up at this time?"

Adrian looked up from the textbook he was studying. "No, not normally. Exams are soon, though, and mum's been on my back about it. Even dad wants me to get all O's, at least E's... what're you doing in here?"

I smiled innocently, subtly tucking the alarm clock in my hand in my bag. "Can't I visit my favorite Slytherin?"

"That's a pretty low bar," Adrian deadpanned. "And anyways, didn't you just ask me whether I woke up at this time regularly?"

I rolled my eyes. "Sure, sure. You hate Malfoy, right?" I only continued once the boy nodded. "I had a... prank for him. And all the Slytherins. Mostly him and his dormmates, though. Would you mind not telling anyone that I was here?"

Adrian let out a small grin. "Sure. I'll head down to the Great Hall with you once you're done setting up."

I grinned back. "Thanks!" I dashed up the boy's dorm stairs, looking at each of the plaques on the doors until I saw Malfoy's name.


His two thugs' names were on there. I inhaled, taking in as much air as I could before pushing the door open. It smelled rancid.

I tip-toed over to Malfoy's bed, tucking the alarm clock underneath his bed, as far as I could. My arms were longer than his, so unless he and the idiots he shared a dorm with were smart enough to Accio it, they wouldn't be able to turn it off. And anyways, with the Slytherin house filled with Pure-blood supremacists, they wouldn't be able to figure out how to turn it off without at least talking to a Blood-traitor or Half-blood. Perhaps even a Muggle-born.

I raced out of the room, shutting it behind me as quick as I could, gasping for air. Merlin, that was horrible. I went down the stairs quietly, turning my head to Adrian. He still hadn't moved from his spot in the corner.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

Adrian nodded, bookmarking his place and taking the textbook with him as we went to the Great Hall.


"What's he doing awake?" Cedric asked, motioning to my companion.

"I was actually just going," Adrian said smoothly. "I'll be on my way now. See you later, Roxanne! Hope that prank of yours works out. It'll be great, 'specially if it includes something... Muggle made."

Cedric tensely watched Adrian's retreating back until he sat down at the Slytherin table, then he turned around to look back down at me. "What was he doing awake? How did he know about the prank?"

I let out a little laugh, leading him to the Gryffindor table so we could sit down and talk as we ate. "I never thought you'd be the jealous type, Ced."

Cedric's eyes furrowed. "What, you two were snogging each other or something?"

I snickered, piling sausages onto my plate. "No, we were shagging." I snorted at the look of horror on Cedric's face. "Honestly. Cedric, we're just friends. I promise. He was awake, studying in the Slytherin common room. He saw me, and since he's considered one of the nicest Slytherins by others, I asked him if he hated Malfoy, and he said yes, so I told him I was pranking him and not to tell anyone else. It worked out quite nicely, actually. He seems quite nice."

Cedric shook his head. "I doubt it. Exactly how many nice Slytherins have we met?" He waited for me to bite into a sausage. He knew I wouldn't answer. "Okay, so then who's to say Pucey's any different, hmm?"

"Practically half the school." I stated.

"Then half the school's probably wrong." Cedric said.

I rolled my eyes, flicking my wand. And... the alarms began.



Classes were canceled for the rest of the day(and possibly more) because Malfoy was too 'prideful' to ask anyone but his Pure-blood friends how to do it, and his friends refused to ask anyone else. It was honestly stupid and the sound was starting to get annoying.

I'd left the others to suffer, though, and I hid away in a spare dorm, placing a silencing charm in the dorm so anyone that came in didn't have the continuous blaring of an alarm clock in their ears..Anyone who came in stayed as long as possible, till I kicked them out. I'd only let Cedric, Fred, George, Angelina, Lee(without the spider), Alica, Katie, Ron, Hermione and Harry in.

I'd finally accio'd the stupid alarm clock into my hands in the Great Hall at dinner(everyone glared at me(it'd echoed for what seemed like the whole of dinner)) and silenced it. Life felt good. I just had to pray that I didn't fail exams.

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