
When are you coming over again?? It's been so long since you last came, and you already know the rest of my friends are all over this summer. Come visit me, please or I'll kill you or something...

Actually though, please come to see me, I don't think I'll survive the rest of summer without seeing you any of my friends, it's been horrid. I'll come to your house, how about that? I'll come either way. I miss you.

Go out with me?




Merlin, please come over. Mum won't let me over because "we'll see each other soon enough when school starts." We both know that if you come over for a surprise visit you'll leave happy with your stomach stuffed with whatever food she's prepping. Don't kill me for it(and don't kill mum either, your mum'll kill you and we know it). I can't have you dying on me, can I?

You already know the answer to that, Ced. I'm not going out with you. Fred and George wouldn't let me anyways. The rest of them love you, but those two... they'll be most protective and you know it.

I'm still not going out with you. Even if the boys let me.


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