We hadn't been able to find the Diggorys on the train station, and mum insisted that I find him on the train. He'd eventually find us, anyway. He always did; he had a way of doing things like that, it had to do with his ever bearing loyalty.

Everyone saw it, except for him. We all knew he'd be sorted into Hufflepuff, but he was worried he'd be sorted into Slytherin, and thought he wouldn't be cunning enough. He thought he might be sorted into Ravenclaw, and worried he wouldn't be smart enough. Or perhaps Gryffindor, and thought he wouldn't be courageous enough.

He knew the three of us, me, Fred and George, would be sorted into Gryffindor. But the thing was, he never went along with our pranks. He always lied along with us so we wouldn't get caught, but never helped us with them.

We'd seen Cedric a couple days before, and he wasn't like his normal, confident, sweet self. He was overrun with nerves, panicking, sometimes on the verge of a panic attack. I had promised him he was welcome in our compartment, anyway. The twins loved him, and Lee liked him well enough. Anyone else who invaded our space would have to deal with him. Not that it was hard; almost anyone who met Cedric loved him.

I looked out the window, jumping slightly as I saw a nervous-looking Cedric, with the girls on the other side looking at his turned back, moony-eyed.

Cedric smiled slightly. "Does the offer still stand?"

I grinned, patting the seat beside me. "Obviously. You're always welcome here, Ced."

He stowed away the trunk he was carrying and grabbed a three bags out of his leather satchel. He tossed two of them to Fred and George, then handed me one. I glanced inside the pouch, my eyes widening.

I looked up to Cedric's beaming face. "Ced, you didn't have to-"

He pursed his lips. "I did. I knew all you'd get was going to be sandwiches, so I figured I'd get you dessert. Mum loved the idea, and I know you guys' situation.."

I glanced down, biting my lip. Fred and George got defensive about our money quickly, but I didn't. Not as fast. But when I did, it got bad. I'd never do that to Cedric, though. None of us would.

"Aw, none for me?" Lee asked, conveniently breaking the tense silence. Cedric's infectious grin appeared on his face as he handed another bag to the boy in question. "Ever the Hufflepuff," Lee said, returning the grin.

Cedric rolled his eyes. "And if I'm not sorted into Hufflepuff?"

"Then you'll be sorted into Gryffindor, Ced," I said confidently. "I don't know why you're unsure about this, though. You're the most Hufflepuff-like person I've ever met. We'll storm Dumbledore's office ourselves and demand you get into Hufflepuff."

Cedric arched an eyebrow. "You don't want me in your house?"

I rolled my eyes. "I would, except for the fact that I know how much getting sorted into Hufflepuff means to you. I wouldn't make you get sorted into my house just for the satisfaction of being in the same house as you."

"Aww, wee widdle Roxie's nice fow once," Fred mocked.

"She's so sweet," Added George.

I kicked them in the shins, then delt out cards for Exploding Snap. The rest of the ride flew by, with us pausing briefly only to change into our school robes. We stopped again once more once Charlie stopped by to make sure we were ready.

"I thought Perce would check up on us," I said as I looked up at my older brother.

"Nah, he's busy snogging Clearwater. He will want you to meet her, though. I reckon you're his favorite out of all of us, despite all the pranks."

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