I woke up, bleary eyed, to the sight of a yellow jumper and the scent of butterscotch, vanilla extract and old books, then last night's events came rushing back to me. I snuggled deeper into his chest, closing my eyes. I didn't want to face the world. Not yet; preferably not ever.

Cedric wrapped his arm around me, burying his face into my head. I wanted to laugh, but I managed to keep it in. I didn't want to disturb his sleep... it looked like I'd be hungry for a while unless Cedric just so happened to wake up.

"Roxanne?" Cedric mumbled into my hair. I sighed, knowing I wouldn't be able to fool him into thinking I was asleep; I needed more practice for that.

"Hmmm?" I hummed, not opening my eyes.

I felt Cedric pull away and immediately wanted to reach for him, his warmth. The blanket was still covering me, but it was oh-so-much-more-warmer with him beside me. It was odd... I never felt drowsy after I woke up, but this was different... I was still tired, sleepy. Perhaps because of the studying.


I munched on a piece of toast, listening to Cedric, my back stiffening as Fred and George sat down to my left and right. "Listen," George began, always the more... emotionally attached one out of the two. "We're sorry about yesterday, we wouldn't have done it if we knew you'd react like that."

"So," Fred jumped in. "We planned something. A prank," My back slumped; I'd given in, and they knew it. "And we just need your help with the enchantments."

Cedric sighed. He knew I would help the boys with a prank no matter what. "I suppose I'll just leave while you three devise your demonic plan?"

I chuckled. "Mhm. Go on Ced."

Cedric rolled his eyes jokingly, getting up from our table and strolling over where his clique of Hufflepuff friends sat, watching us.

I pulled the boys in by their shoulders. "Alright, what's the plan this time?"


I tapped the last towel. The idea was perfect and beautiful, but the hardest part was finding all the towels in the castle. All the towels were white, and we'd made sure to place a permanent sticking charm on anything else that could be used to dry something other than the sponges in the kitchens and people's clothing.

I placed a Disillusionment Charm on myself, shivering at the sensation of cold water trickling down my body as I turned virtually invisible. I made my way into my nook at the library, then taking the charm off and strolling out like I did everyday, looking as natural as possible, which was very.

I walked into the Great Hall; it was lunch already and the boys would be waiting for a status update. I'd skipped classes for this, it was truly a magnificent idea, I just had to tweak some aspects of it.

I smiled as I walked into the Great Hall and saw our group sitting at the table. I took my place between Fred and George, in front of Lee, Cedric and Angelina respectively. Kenneth usually was with his other friends, only sometimes hanging out with our big group. He'd hang out with us frequently if it was just me, Lee, Fred, George and him, but when it came to our big group, even though no one meant to, he got left out most of the time; he just didn't know most of us that well.

"Did it work?" George murmured from the corner of his mouth, just loud enough that Fred and I could hear, but quiet enough to ensure that no one else would.

I gave a discreet nod while still facing Cedric, who was in deep conversation with Angelina about Quidditch. Honestly, sometimes I thought those two enjoyed watching and gossiping about Quidditch more than they actually liked playing the game.

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