I've missed you. Honestly, it feels like forever since I saw you guys. Have you met Harry Potter? Is Ron friends with him? Harry Potter looked like a first year, and I heard you talking to Fred and George about how he'd be starting first year but you didn't believe it.

Wow, I'm writing this like I didn't see you and ask you all this already. I do this every time, don't I? I'm so excited to go to Hogwarts next year! I reckon it'll only be a bit of time from when I give you this.

On to more important business. Do you like Cedric? Like, like like him? Like that? Like love? Don't even try to deny it. You do, don't you? Send me a letter soon, please. I already know you like him, but it'd be nice if I heard it from you. I can say I told you so that way, unless you forgot. I'd happily remind you.

It'd been the first day Cedric Diggory had come to our home. Fred, George and I were 10, Cedric was supposedly 11. Mum and dad had been going on and on and on about how kind he was(they'd met him in advance); I'd believed them, too.

I'd met Mr. Diggory at the Ministry of Magic; he'd given me, Fred and George some chocolate. I'd been with mum and baby Ginny in Hogsmeade when we met Mrs. Diggory. She'd been kind as well; she'd managed to quiet Ginny down(she was mad we couldn't go to Honeydukes) by getting us both Chocolate Frogs and Sugar Quills.

I'd figured that someone who was the child of those two would be the kindest person on Earth, and I turned out to be right. Cedric Diggory was an angel, perhaps more of an angel than his parents.

Right from the start, he was open to playing with all of us, even Ginny, whom most visitors(not his parents though) ignored or laughed because she was so small. He'd find a way to include all of us, though Charlie, Percy and Bill opted for sitting with the adults. Well, Percy did. Bill and Charlie wanted to play with us but Percy made them stay with the adults, his excuse being that if he was there, the ones older than him had to be as well.

He'd payed me, Fred and George(though it could've been one of us; we'd all kind of stuck together throughout the visit) special attention, though. Perhaps it was because the three of us were around his age, and we'd all be going to Hogwarts together.

After the Diggorys left, I flopped onto the bed in the bedroom me, Fred, George and Percy shared. It'd be over soon, us sharing with Percy. We regularly changed who shared rooms with who, and had established already that we'd do so until we found a good group. Ginny was the only one who didn't share with anyone.

Ginny came barreling into the room, shutting the door behind her. "They're all finishing up dinner. You like him, don't you?"

I rose so I was sitting on the bed. "What?"

Ginny sat down on my bed. "You like Cedric, don't you?"

"Yes, like a friend," I said with a kind of finality.

Ginny shrugged; I was slightly surprised. My younger sister wasn't one to give up so easily. "Fine, deny it." Ah, there it was. "But you will, I know it. And I'll be there to say I told you so when you do,"

I couldn't answer; Fred and George came barreling into the room, chattering about some Zonko's product Mrs. Diggory got us. I'd have to find out what they were talking about later. Ginny flounced out of the room with a knowing smile on her face, and before I could get up to follow her, George said my name.

I'll be able to say I told you so, too. It'll be really fun. You know it, too. I'd finally be able to say I was right about something and you wouldn't!

Love and miss you lots,


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