Ginny's letter made me think. She wanted me to owl her back, telling her whether I liked Ced or not, but the truth was, I didn't know. He liked me, unless it was all an act to break my heart. I didn't believe Cedric would do that, but who knew? Maybe he was keeping up the good-guy act solely to break my heart. Maybe that was what they all wanted.

I got up with a huff, making up my mind. I went over to the study table we kept in the corner of the room(no one but me used it though; the boys preferred to use the things provided in the common room or their beds.

I opened the drawer with spare parchment in it, took a piece out, and unscrewed the cap to the ink bottle I'd magicked on there. I picked up the quill and began writing.

Dear Ginny,

This is the first and last time you'll be saying I told you so to me.

Yes, I do like Cedric. Only Angelina, Alicia and Katie know, other than you. Don't you DARE mention it to the others, I'll murder you. And I'll blow up toilets and NOT send you the toilet seats.

Speaking of, we're planning to do blow up toilets after exams, on the last day, so people can use the Hogwarts Express if they truly do need to go to the bathroom. We're going to blow up all the toilets in Hogwarts, even the staff ones and Dumbledore's private one. I reckon I can cast a Disillusionment Charm to go up; I'll be virtually invisible. It'll be quite easy to blow up the toilets, but we(I)'ll have to cast a difficult spell to make them all go off at the same time. It'll work out, though. It always does in the end.

I put down the parchment and went back over to my bed, sitting down; I'd finish the letter and send it either later today or tomorrow, after I finished opening my present and doing whatever dramatics my brothers and friends had planned for me.

"Roxanne!" George bellowed from downstairs. "Hermione's nagging us! She needs your help with studying! Get here quick, or she'll drive us mad!"

I chuckled, tucking the present and Ginny's note under the bed and gingerly putting my unfinished letter in the drawer. I'd complete it later. I stood up, making my way down the stairs and messing up Lee's hair on the way; he was heading into the common room.

"Alright," I said, taking a seat on the ground beside the girl. "What's the problem?"

"I can't quite remember what's the disarming spell, and these two gits refuse to help me," She complained. "I should know this anyways!"

"We aren't helping you because the question's stupid. It's obviously-" He cut himself off and laughed at the look on Hermione's face. "You thought!"

I rolled my eyes and turned my full focus on the anxious first-year beside me. "Don't listen to my idiot brothers. It starts with an e, ends with and s."

Hermione's eyes widened. "Of course! Expellimarus! How could I've not known?" She picked up her quill and began a very lengthy paragraph. Percy'd be proud.

"It's normal," I say. "We all study hard, then we get to a practice question that's ranked the easiest after getting all the hard ones right, and our brains freeze. Happens all the time."

"Really? It happens to you?" Hermione said without looking up, in terrifying unison with Fred and George.

"Is that what we sound like?" I asked Fred and George, but they just motioned for me to answer the question. I sighed. "Fine, no, but it's happened more than once for every Ravenclaw multiple times, and you're not even in the house! It's bound to happen."

Hermione finally looked up from her paper, raising her eyebrow skeptically. "Yet it didn't happen to you."

I rolled my eyes. "With that snark, you should've been in Slytherin. Anyhow, I still haven't graduated from Hogwarts yet. It could still happen, you never know."

"Yeah, yeah," George said. "Shut up. Cedric's coming and I don't think you want him seeing you snarking off at a first-year."

I rolled my eyes once more. "I'm rude to Ron all the time in front of him."

"Not the same," Fred said in a sing-song voice. "You've got a crush on Cedric and we all know it. If he sees you terrorizing an somewhat innocent first-year, he'll never like you back."

Hermione whipped her head towards me with more force than needed. "You've got a crush on Cedric? As in, Cedric Diggory? Your best friend?"

I rolled my eyes. I was having to do an awful lot of that around these people; one too many times and my eyes would pop out. "No, I don't. This is just Fred and George being the doufuses they are."

"Alright," Hermione said, bending over her practice questions.

"ROXANNE!" Lee's voice screeched from upstairs. "ROXANNE!"

I sighed. "I'd better go check what that idiot's up to now."

"What'd you prank him with now?" George asked, amused.

"Nothing, that's the thing."

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