I woke up to blinding lights. This was odd; last time I saw, we were in a dimly lit room... the only light that'd come from the room was from flickering fire in cauldron like areas.

"Miss Weasley?" Madame Pomfrey's voice sounded from beside the bed, and she leaned over my head, blocking some of the light above me. "You took quite the hit there... Mr. Diggory!" She exclaimed; a new face taking her place. Cedric's.

I sighed. "I'm dead, aren't I. Honestly, no one'd be able to survive a hit that bad. Not by marble."

Cedric cracked a smile. "Glad to see your humor hasn't dissipated. I hate you."

I widened my eyes, siting straight up with a jolt, causing mine and Cedric's foreheads to crash together. I groaned, falling back on my pillow. My headache worsened.

"And this is why you aren't normally allowed into the infirmary right when the patient wakes up! I thought you would be more careful." Poppy chided, handing me a vial full of purple liquid. "A Muggle medicine. Surprisingly works to help headaches."

I gave her a small smile, downing the potion in moments and sighing as the headache ebbed away. The liquid, though a bit heavy like honey, tasted better than whatever potion Poppy might've forced me to drink in it's place. Less side effects as well, it seemed.

Cedric squeezed my shoulder after drinking his. "I've got to go, McGonagall wants something from me. Open your presents, Ginny seemed furious that we'd let you go unconscious, into 'danger that could've killed you.' Sent us a howler too, apparently Mrs. Weasley enchanted it for her."

I nodded, and Cedric left the infirmary, glancing back. I reached for the box that'd been tucked under my bed previously; Cedric was right, I'd never gotten around to opening it. It was a rather bulky white , with images of different views of what I assumed on the sides. I raised my eyebrows as I saw the name. iPod.

I carefully lifted the cover covering the box holding the iPod, revealing an enlarged ring box. I pulled open the box to see two compartments on each side, with thin grey cardboard-looking covers on top of the contents inside. One had the symbol of an apple with a bite taken out of it, and the other had, once more, the words iPod on it.

I opened the covers to discover an instruction manual, with the apple with a bite taken out of it on the cover, and a device I assumed was an iPod. I took out the instruction manual to unearth a charger looking thing and headphones. I opened the manual and scanned through it. Hah. I could memorize this easily. I found a note with Ginny's familiar scrawl and payed more attention to that.

The iPod's already charged, and I uploaded some songs I thought you'd like.

There's still space for more, though, so you can upload them whenever!

I plugged in the headphones and stuck them in my ears, closing my eye and selecting a song at random. The intro music was interesting... useful to wake up in the mornings.

"I'm an angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun... An angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun"

My eyes flicked out to the overflowing pile of presents(mostly Honeydukes sweets) on the tray and started to go through them. Sugar Quills... Ice Mice... more Sugar Quills... Acid Pops... Peppermint Toads, that was new... Acid Pops... people seemed to know me well. I finally got to the last parcel, with a note attached to it. I pulled it off, smiling as I saw the Diggory crest on the wax seal. Of course.

I'd never understand why he wrote the way he wrote. His C's and D's were ridiculously fancy, as was the rest of his .

"They say before you start a war, you better know what you're fighting for. Well baby, you are all that I adore....If love is what you need, a soldier I will be"

Dear Roxie,

I've just found out what happened and I honestly don't know why I'm writing this... it's not like you aren't going to wake up, right?

I've We've all been worried to death about you. When you didn't show up last night... and then Harry came up from some chamber with Ron and Hermione. Somehow they managed to get all the information out before they passed out. I reckon they'll be out of the Hospital Wing before you. Dumbledore and Flitwick had to go down to get you themselves... Flitwick said you were incredibly light. You've got to tell me what Madame Pomfrey was talking about. You better, or I'll kill you myself.

I miss you lots. Your laugh, your smile, your eyes, your...happiness. Hogwarts has become boring without you. Wake up soon, will you?

Love Your best friend,


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