"Cedric!" I shrieked, launching myself into his open arms.

The boy laughed, catching me in his tight grip and spinning me around twice as I buried my face in the crook of his neck. It felt like I hadn't seen him in years. His usual scent washed over me; butterscotch, books and a hint of vanilla extract.

Cedric set me down, smiling ear to ear. "Missed me?"

"Obviously, Ced. C'mon," I said, taking his hand and dragging him down in front of the fire. I'd been wanting to finish my book, but felt too tired to continue it. I was renergized now.

He sat down, cross-legged on the carpet and I laid my head down on his lap, raising the book so I could stare up at it, reading. After a moment, Cedric gently pried the book from my hands. "As much as I love you and want you to keep reading, I don't think you want glasses."

I scoffed, reaching for the book. "Madame Pomfrey'll figure something out. I am not going to need glasses."

Harry piped up. "If she could, she'd have helped me already. The other teachers, too. Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore."

I rolled my eyes, giving up trying to get the book and shifting slightly to a more comfortable position as Cedric played with my hair. I closed my eyes, exhaling quietly, enjoying the warmth both the fireplace and Cedric provided.

"We should go to bed," George said suddenly.

My eyes shot open, and I raised an eyebrow at Cedric. George was one of the last people I thought would be sending us to bed. I thought Percy would have to drag us all up.

I lifted my head, allowing Cedric to stand up as I followed his lead. "Where's Ced going to sleep?"

"In his dorm," Fred said, as if it was obvious, at the same time as Cedric replied "In you guys' dorm."

I snorted at the look Fred and George were giving Cedric. "Alright. Ced, you can sleep in my bed in my dorm and I'll sleep where I did last night." I held up my hand at Fred and George, knowing they'd protest. "There's quite literally no Hufflepuffs staying back; you know that. It's one night, you two. We'll figure this whole... thing tomorrow." I turned to Cedric, grinning. "No, I'm not going to go out with you."

And with that, I snatched my book from the table where it lay and trudged upstairs, changing into my pyjamas in Alicia, Katie and Angelina's dorm, then going into Ron and Harry's to sleep. The boys were already asleep.


"You should've woken me up," I said crossly after Harry had finished explaining about his venture last night. I tilted my head thoughtfully. "I've only seen your mum and dad in black and white pictures. Not... not in color. I would love to see them."

"You can come tonight, I'm going back, I want to show you the mirror." Harry said.

"I'd like to see your mom and dad too," Ron said eagerly.

"And I want to see all your family, all the Weasleys, you'll be able to show me your other brothers and everyone."

I snorted, waving my hand dismissively. "You can see them any old time. Just swing by The Burrow over the summer. I can't promise Charlie'll be there for sure, actually. He works in Romania... Bill should probably be there, though. He just started curse-breaking."

"Anyway, maybe it only shows dead people." Ron said. "Shame about not finding Flamel, though. Have some bacon or something, why aren't you eating anything?"

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