02.02 The Budapest Dinner (Part 2)

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At 17 Igor and I took the underground from Blaise Irving to Korea Station. I picked up some books by Jean Rhys and Ian McEwan at Homeland and then walked over to Nate's flat by Sailor's Towers. We talked there about projects and class for a while and then Igor and I walked to Palace, a 2nd hand clothing event that our friends were throwing.

On the way, we found Allan, then Gina and finally Owen. We went inside the place, saw Will there. We all talked and suddenly I saw someone standing by a clothing stand.

It was Bullet, who I hadn't seen in 3 years. He had been one of my best friends and flatmate during the year I lived in Saint Lucentum. We hugged and talked for a while, catching up about life. Saint was also there, taking photos.

I left the place with Igor, Saint, Owen, Gina, Allan and Will. We bought some wine and dinner (pizza) at a supermarket and then walked over to Gina's flat. We had dinner there and talked. Gina's boyfriend Nine joined, and also Julie for a while.

After a while, Owen said he was really tired and going home. He said bye to everyone and when he got to me he said "bye, love", putting his arm around my neck, standing from behind, and gave me a few kisses in the cheek/jaw area.

Saint left soon after and I stayed with Gina, Igor and Nine. At 00-01am I felt exhausted and sleepy and wanted to go home, so once we left outside I said bye to everyone and left. Igor really wanted me to stay and was a little mad that I left.

Luckily for him, unfortunately for me, as I was walking over to Nate's flat, I called Saint and he said "I'm not at his flat, I don't know where the fuck Nate is, I think he went out for beers. I'm over at Rachel's" and I was like "bro wtf we are supposed to leave tomorrow at 8 for Beauville". I phoned Igor again and I told them to wait for me so I joined them again past the Central Market. As I was telling them about Nate and Saint (they were all laughing like crazy at the situation), Nate suddenly came rolling down the street in his bicycle and stopped right by us while we couldn't stop laughing.

"Bro, wtf, it's 2am, where the fuck are you going? We were supposed to stay at your place tonight" I told him. He answered "I know, I just wanted to have a beer, I'm on my way to Rachel's, Saint is already there". I told him to pick me up at DNA by the time they were done and went different directions.

Igor, Gina, Nine and I went to DNA but stayed outside as they got drunk, talking with random people outside the club. It was packed, they had sold out that night. I was there for 1-2 hours, talking to people. Igor, Gina and I had a catch up session about the Christmas Budapest trip and Igor said he was now really into Pauline, a girl from university abroad, and that things were working out really well. He seemed truly in love telling us about her and about how the situation was slowly building up.

I saw Bullet again, outside. We smoked a cigarette together and introduced me to some of his friends. He offered me an MDMA pill but I refused saying I was going home. Nate stopped by to pick me up around 3:15 and we walked over to his flat.

I went to sleep quite late, at around 3:45.

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